Balance of State Meeting Minutes
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, Presentations, and Related Documents | ||
Date | Documents | Topics |
4.03.18 |
Street Outreach Written Standards, SSO RFP,Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry Grant, CoC Application Updates, HMIS Transition Update, and PIT/HIC |
3.06.18 |
VAWA Emergency Transfer Policy, Supportive Services Only-Coordinated Entry Grant, Coordinated Assessment Council Membership Change, CoC Application Updates, and HMIS Update |
2.06.18 | NC BoS CoC's anti-discrimination policy, VAWA emergency transfer draft policy, Annual Homeless Assessment Report, ESG funding | |
1.09.18 | Plan to End Veteran Homelessness, Anti-Dsicrimination Policy, 2018 PIT/HIC Update | |
12.7.17 | Grant transfers proposal, HMIS Lead discussion, ESG update, Steering Committee expansion, 2018 Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Counts, Coordinated Assessment-Prevention and Diversion Screen change, SSVF letters of support, Veterans Plan update | |
11.7.17 | CoC grant transfer, governance charter updates, coordinated assessment, Funding and Performance Subcommittee, 2018 PIT Count and HIC, Regional Committee elections, RRH training | |
10.3.17 | Steering Committee restructuring, 2017 CoC Competition, 2017 ESG Competition, November In-Person Leadership Meeting. | |
9.12.17 | 2017 CoC Competition project priority listing. | |
9.5.17 | 2017 CoC competition, ESG competition, coordinated assessment, HMIS, CoC grant significant change, Steering Committee expansion, November in-person meeting | |
8.1.17 | CoC grant significant changes, HMIS lead administrator, 2017 CoC competition, ESG competition, coordinated assessment, ending Veteran homelessness | |
7.11.17 |
CoC grantee spending, funding priorities, coordinated assessment plans, Veterans plans, CoC scorecards and competition, ESG competition |
6.6.17 |
Steering Committee restructuring, Coordinated Assessment updates and plan approval, Veterans plan updates and plan approval, CoC competition, Funding Priorities workgroup report, 2017 Point-in-Time Count report. |
5.2.17 |
Steering Committee restructuring, CoC Update, Funding Priorities Workgroup, Coordinated Assessment update and plan approval, 2017 Point-in-Time Count, plan to end Veteran homelessness, federal update, state conference on ending homelessness. |
4.4.17 | Steering Committee restructuring, federal update, Sage system, HMIS training, CoC competition, funding priorities workgroup, Veteran homelessness, Coordinated Assessment, Regional Committee transition, 2017 PIT Count and HIC | |
3.7.17 | Letter of support, Regional Committee transition, CoC competition update, veteran homelessness, coordinated assessment, 2017 PIT Count and HIC, system performance measures | |
2.7.17 | Staff update, Regional Committee restructuring, funding priorities workgroup, veteran homelessness, 2017 PIT Count and HIC, coordinated assessment, HMIS update | |
1.10.17 | Funding announcements, Regional Committee restructuring, SSVF letters of support, coordinated assessment, 2017 PIT Count and HIC, veterans homelessness, HMIS update | |
12.6.16 | Governance Charter updates, Steering Committee representation, Regional Committee restructuring, coorindated assessment, veterans homelessness, 2017 PIT Count and HIC, ESG update, HMIS update | |
11.1.16 | Collaboration with PHAs, veterans homelessness, ESG application update, Regional Committee restructuring, 2017 PIT Count and HIC, coordinated assessment update, HMIS udpate | |
10.4.16 | Targeting Program/Key Rental Assistance, collaboration with PHAs, Governance Charter updates, 2017 Point-in-Time Count, ESG application, coordinated assessment update, Regional Committee restructuring, AHAR preparation | |
9.6.16 |
CoC environmental review requirements, written standards, Regional Committee restructuring, CoC application update, ESG application update, HMIS update |
8.30.16 | Project priority listing for CoC competition | |
8.2.16 | Regional Committee restructuring, ESG update, CoC competition update, coordinated assessment, written standards, veterans homelessness | |
7.5.16 | Regional Committee restructuring, ESG update, CoC competition update, coordinated assessment, written standards, HMIS update | |
6.7.16 | Regional Committee restructuring, ESG update, CoC competition update, coordinated assessment, written standards, HMIS update | |
5.3.16 | Staff update, CoC program competition update, Rapid Results, coordinated assessment, written standards, letter of support, Regional Committee restructuring, Point-in-Time Count | |
4.5.16 | CoC funding announcement, coordinated assessment, letetr of support, Regional Committee restructuring proposal, Point-in-Time Count update, Governance Committee representatives | |
3.1.16 | Rapid Results, coordinated assessment, ESG update, Point-in-Time Count update, Regional Committees, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS udpate, PSH key elements | |
2.2.16 | Ending veteran homelessness, coordinated assessment, ESG update, Point-in-Time Count update, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update, CABHI funding, Regional Lead elections and in-person meeting | |
1.5.16 | Supportive housing funding, coordinated assessment, ESG update, Point-in-Time Count, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update, Regional Lead elections | |
12.1.15 | Coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition, ESG update, 2016 Point-in-Time Count, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update, Regional Lead/Regional Committees, 2016 BoS meetings | |
11.5.15 | Coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition funding decision, ESG application, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update | |
10.6.15 | Coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition, ESG application, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update | |
9.1.15 | Coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition, Regional Committee spotlight, ESG update, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update | |
8.4.15 | Coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition, regional committee spotlight, regional committee structure, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update, upcoming meetings and trainings | |
7.7.15 |
Point-in-Time Count data, coordinated assessment, CoC application scorecards and next steps, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update, upcoming meetings and trainings |
6.16.15 | Scorecards for renewal and new projects for FY2015 CoC competition, Project Review Committee, upcoming meetings | |
6.2.15 | Point-in-Time Count update, coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition update, 2015 Regional Committees, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update | |
5.5.15 | Point-in-Time Count update, coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition update, Regional Committee web master training, NCCEH Data Center and HMIS update | |
4.7.15 | Point-in-Time Count update, coordinated assessment, CoC grant competition update, Regional Lead in-person meeting, HMIS update | |
3.3.15 | Point-in-Time Count, coordinated assessment plan review and update, CoC grant competition update, 2015 BoS Regional Committees, HMIS update, upcoming meetings | |
2.3.15 | Point-in-Time Count, coordinated assessment plan review, HUD update, Regional Lead elections, HMIS FAQ, upcoming meetings | |
1.6.15 | Point-in-Time Count, coordinated assessment update, AHAR update, Regional Lead elections, HMIS update, upcoming meetings | |
12.2.14 | Human Trafficking, Point-in-Time Count, AHAR Update, Regional Lead Elections, Coordinated Assessment Update, 2015 BoS Subcommittee Schedule, Upcoming Meetings, Regional Committee Updates | |
11.4.14 | CoC application, ESG awareds, HMIS/MCAH meetings, veteran and chronically homeless data, AHAR, Regional Committee goals, coordinated assessment update, 2015 Point-in-Time Count, upcoming meetings | |
10.20.14 | Project application ranking for CoC application | |
10.7.14 | ESG update, CoC application, HMIS lead administrator ratification, CHIN Governance Committee members, Zero:2016 update, Governance Charter revisions, coordinated assessment update | |
9.2.14 | ESG application, CoC application, HMIS lead administrator ratification, chronically homeless prioritization policy, Zero:2016 application, BoS governance charter update, coordinated assessment workshops, subcommittee meetings, AHAR preparation | |
8.5.14 | ESG application, CoC application, coordinated assessment toolkit, HMIS RFP update, subcommittee meetings | |
7.1.14 | ESG application, coordinated assessment toolkit, performance improvement process (PIP), HMIS RFP, Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness | |
6.3.14 | ESG shelter funds, ESG funding principles and intent to apply, coordinated assessment toolkit, HMIS RFP update, subcommittee meetings | |
5.6.14 | PIT & HIC Data, Coordinated Assessment training materials, CHIN license allocation, CHIN Governance Committee members, emergency text contact list, subcommittee meeting schedule | |
4.1.14 | More in My Basket presentation, ESG update, HMIS RFP, Point-in-Time Count update | |
3.4.14 | PIT Count/HIC update, new Regional Committees, letters of consistency & support, upcoming subcommittee meetings | |
2.4.14 | CoC application wrap-up, Data Usage Workgroup report, AHAR, PIT Count, SSVF NOFA, Regional Lead elections | |
1.16.14 | CHIN MOU, CoC Collaborative Application input, CoC project application approval and ranking | |
1.7.14 | CoC application scoring, Collaborative Application input, Point-in-Time Count update, AHAR wrap-up, Regional Leads and Alternates, subcommittees | |
12.3.13 | CoC application and scorecard, 2014 Point-in-Time Count, CHIN MOU and Advisory Committee, AHAR, Regional Leads and Alternates, subcommittees | |
11.5.13 | CHIN MOU, Coordinated Assessment Workgroup update, CoC application update, AHAR, PHAs, Regional Committee alternates, subcommittee meetings | |
10.1.13 | Homeless Education Liaisons, ESG funding update, CoC application update, workgroup updates, Regional Committee alternates, upcoming meetings and trainings | |
9.3.13 | ESG Funding Update, CoC Funding Application Update, Data Usage Workgroup Update, Coordinated Assessment Workgroup Update, Regional Committee Alternates, CHIN Advisory Committee Rep, Upcoming Meetings and Trainings, Regional Committee Updates and Reminders | |
8.6.13 | NC BoS Governance, ESG Funding Application Update, CoC Funding Application Update, NC BoS Funding Update, NAEH Conference, Subcommittee and Workgroup Update, Regional Committee Updates | |
7.2.13 | Revised NC BoS Governance, Data Usage Workgroup, Coordinated Assessment Workgroup, CoC & ESG Intent to Apply Forms | |
6.25.13 | BoS Governance, CHIN fees for BoS users, Steering Committee highlights | |
5.7.13 |
Tier 2 renewals, Regional Lead meeting, CHIN Advisory Committee Representatives, letter of consistency request, subcommittee meetings, ICCHP advocacy |
4.2.13 | CoC renewal awards, Regional Lead elections, PIT Count and CoC outcomes, letter of consistency request, ICCHP/BoS advocacy | |
3.5.13 | Regional Lead elections, CoC application scorecards, new HEARTH regulations, AHAR, PIT Count | |
2.5.13 | CoC application overview, performance goals, subcommittees, Regional Committee Lead elections, Regional Committee updates | |
1.3.13 | CoC application questions, project application scores and ranking, CHIN renewal grant and subsidy, APR goals, Point-in-Time Count | |
12.4.12 | CoC NOFA, scorecard, Regional Committee approval of applications, Regional Committee updates | |
11.6.12 | BoS pre-application, application subcommittees, Point-in-Time Count, Regional Committee updates | |
10.2.12 | CoC application update, CoC board requirements, CHIN data quality project, QPRs | |
9.4.12 | ESG conditional awards, HMIS data quality, QPRs, CoC Action Plan, Intent to Apply Form | |
8.7.12 | BoS Goals, CHIN cost structure update, ESG updates, HEARTH Regulations, NAEH Conference update, CoC Intent to Apply Forms, QPRs | |
7.3.12 | ICCHP funding update, proposed CHIN cost structure, VA partnership, conference call on adult care home discharge tracking, ESG updates from Regional Leads, CoC and ESG Intent to Apply Forms, QPRs | |
6.5.12 | ICCHP funding, new BoS CoC subcommittee structure, ESG and CoC Intent to Apply Forms, QPRs | |
5.1.12 | Regional BoS and ESG meetings recap, ESG Planning Committee report, Intent to Apply Forms, CoC Action Plan, Regional Lead approval, subcommittee meetings, QPRs | |
4.3.12 | Intent to Apply form, Point-in-Time Count report, ESG update, Eastpointe S+C merger and expansion, Regional Lead approval, subcommittee meetings, QPRs | |
3.6.12 | CoC Check-up and Action Plan, ESG update, Regional Committee elections, grantee webpages, QPRs, data quality checks | |
2.7.12 | CoC Check-up, grantee webpages, new QPR form, BoS subcommittees | |
1.10.12 | CoC Check-up, 2012 Point-in-Time Count, grantee training, BoS subcommittees | |
12.6.11 | CoC Check-up, 2012 Point-in-Time Count | |
11.01.11 | Review of FY11 Exhibit 1 and project listing, Point-in-Time Count, BoS subcommittees, QPRs/APRs | |
10.18.11 | Vote on projects for FY11 CoC application, discussion of strategic performance goals | |
10.04.11 | Update on FY11 CoC application, QPRs/APRs | |
09.06.11 | Update on FY11 CoC application, BoS subcommittees, QPRs/APRs | |
08.02.11 | FY11 pre-application, FY11 scorecard, QPRs/APRs | |
07.05.11 | FY11 pre-application, grantee presentations, Scorecard Committee, QPRs/APRs | |
06.07.11 | FY10 CoC scores, FY11 application update, grantee presentations, QPRs | |
05.03.11 | FY10 new project awards, FY11 application, FY12 advocacy, help from NCCEH, QPRs | |
04.05.11 | FY11 update, planning for HEARTH, structure, help from NCCEH, QPRs | |
03.01.11 | Application Intent Form, Regional Committee Leads, HEARTH Overview, PIT Update, QPRs | |
02.01.11 | Regional Committee Leads, Application Intent Form, AHAR Update, PIT Update, QPRs & APRs | |
01.11.11 | Regional Committee Leads, 2011 forms, Point-in-Time Count, subcommittee meeting dates, QPRs & APRs | |
12.07.10 | 2010 CoC application recap, AHAR, Point-in-Time Count, QPRs & APRs | |
11.02.10 | Project ranking, CoC performance goals, educational needs policy, CoC application deadlines | |
10.05.10 | CoC application timeline, Exhibit 1, committee meetings, HEARTH/HMIS conference update | |
09.07.10 | CoC application, HMIS data quality, HMIS and Project Review Committees, Regional Committee Approval Form | |
08.03.10 | 2009 New Projects, 2010 scorecard, CoC application update, Regional Committee project approval | |
07.06.10 | Pre-application feedback, 2010 CoC Application requirements, Regional approval of applications, Regional Committee updates | |
06.01.10 | 2010 CoC Application deadlines and requirements, Regional Committee Updates | |
05.04.10 | 2010 CoC Application, Pre-Applications, Eligible Renewals, Structure Review Committee Report | |
04.06.10 | CoC application dates, Pre-Applications, Regional Committee Updates | |
03.02.10 | BoS Structure, Federal Updates, Upcoming Activities | |
02.09.10 | Point-in-Time Count, BoS Structure, Regional Committee Updates | |
01.05.10 | Renewals, Regional Committee Leadership, Point-in-Time Count | |
12.1.09 | CoC application summary, Planning for 2010, Point-in-Time Count | |
11.13.09 | CoC application | |
10.06.09 | NOFA, CoC application requirements | |
08.04.09 |
Upcoming NOFA, committee meetings, HPRP applications |
07.21.09 | Upcoming NOFA, HUD application requirements, HPRP | |
06.07.09 | CoC Structure Overview | |
06.02.09 | New description of Roles and Responsbilities | |
05.05.09 | BoS materials on web, Point-in-Time, scorecard confirmation, participation checklist, quarterly reports, HPRP | |
04.07.09 | HPRP Update, pre-application expectations, goals & outcomes, Point-in-Time, HMIS &eHIC update, committee meetings | |
09.19.08 | Ranking Committee recommendations, APRs received, Point-in-Time Count information, access to mainstream services Information, Agency Participation Chart | |
09.03.08 | Goals for 2008 Application, info needed: APRs, Housing Inventory, and Member Organization information | |
07.21.08 |
HUD CoC NOFA instructions,
new HMIS reporting, accessing Exhibit 2,
information needed from communities
05.06.08 | HUD registration, projects submitted |
04.23.08 | 2008 pro rata, 2008 project requests, quarterly reporting for grantees, deadlines |
02.26.08 | 2007 award feedback, Point-in-Time Count update, committee membership |
11.13.07 | Point-in-Time Count How-To | |
10.23.07 | HUD CoC structure, BoS structure, new initiatives, calendar for 2008 competitive process |