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June 2024

June A020 Submission Deadline, New Data Center Staff Rachelle, New Client Merge Form, Past Training on Hashed CSV & EVA, Program Eligibility for APR in Sage

May 2024

June A020 Submission Deadline, New Data Center Staff Mia, Past Training on APR & CAPER Reports, Upcoming Training on Hashed CSV & EVA, 

April 2024

Pit/HIC Concluded, Wellsky Network Maintenance, Teresa Returns to the Office, Past Computer Basics Training, Upcoming Trainings

March 2024

Pit/HIC Past Due, A020 Data Quality Report Past Due,CE APR Update, New Required "If Yes" Data Field

February 2024

PIT/HIC Deadline, A020 Reporting Deadline, New Data Center Positions, LMS Trainee Test Client Resubmissions, Updated HMIS Dashboard Reports, Spanish Translated Privacy Documents, Teresa on Extended Temporary Leave

January 2024

First System Updates Meeting at new Date/Time, upcoming PIT/HIC deadline and tools, delayed HMIS reports, and new PATH PDX submission tool.

December 2023

New System Updates Meeting Date &Time, LSA Corrections Due, Upcomming PIT/HIC, Delayed HMIS Report Updates, HMIS Practice Site Flash, Hashed HMIS CSV & EVA Reporting Tool

November 2023

Next System Updates meeting, A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report Deadline, Sexual Orientation Guideline, Systems Updates Meeting Survey, White Flag Shelters, Enrollment Coc Error

October 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Annual Renewal Trainings Complete, Live FY2024 Data Standards Changes, A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report, Data Collection Paper Assessments

September 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Annual Privacy & Security Training, FY2024 Data Standards Changes, Translation Assistance Needed Survey

August 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Annual Privacy & Security Training, HMIS Interface Update, FY2024 Data Standards Changes

July 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Staff Updates, Learning Management System Update, CE Sharing Survey

June 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Data Quality Monitoring Report Update, HMIS Practice Site Flash Concluded, SSN Reminder

May 2023

Next System Updates meeting, Data Quality Plan Launch, HMIS Practice Site flash

April 2023
Next System Updates meeting, Data Quality Plan passed, Changes to CLS, Data Center Job Openings

March 2023
Next System Updates meeting, ShelterPoint change, common PIT/HIC Data Error reminders

February 2023
PIT/HIC Reports due, next System Updates meeting, and LMS reminders

January 2023
HMIS PIT/HIC Launch in System Updates meeting, important deadlines, and new LMS launch for training.

December 2022
New Year LMS launch, final correction reminders, year round data quality tools, and new training dates.

November 2022
LSA/SPM Correction Phase 2, proposed HUD data Standards, and SSA cost of living adjustment.

October 2022
LSA/SPM Correction Plan and Resources, Annual Privacy Training period ended, Reason for Leaving options updated, Purge script, NC Natural Disaster updated, and Training reminders.

September 2022
Welcome to Dashia, Annual Privacy Training reminder, new Training resources, quarterly project reminders, and upcoming deadlines.

August 2022
Changes to the reporting tool BusinessObjects, ART retirement date (finally final!), Annual Privacy Training to be required in September, and new Training Resources available.

July 2022
New Training and Resources available (Sys Update meeting, monthly trainings, and ZenGuide articles). Changes to implementation including Level 3 view, SSN update procedure, and reporting tool BusinessObjects.

June 2022
New position open, reminder of BusinessObjects launch, new look coming soon to Level 3, and upcoming HMIS System Updates and Training opportunities.

May 2022
Meet our new Data Analyst, reminder about BusinessObjects transition, and new HMIS Training schedule.

April 2022
New Education and Training proposal, ZenGuide, System Performance Measures review, Community APR, and EDA reminder.

March 2022
New Sys Admin Allison intro, HMIS User Meeting schedule, Privacy options in HMIS, and last PIT/HIC reminders.

January 2022
Big PIT/HIC Announcements!
Other trainings and resources include User meetings, CoC PSH guidance for Moving On, Unsheltered Contact info report, and more!

December 2021
HMIS User Meeting schedule for Jan/Feb, New Street Outreach Training available, new Unsheltered Contact Info Report, and a reminder of ongoing and upcoming HUD Reporting.

November 2021
New Street Outreach Training scheduled, a reminder of Housing Move-In date tools, new Moving On Assistance guidance for PSH projects, and a reminder of EHV guidance for HMIS.

October 2021
HUD Reporting Season launch; HMIS Check-In announced - required for all agencies; Data Standards update reminders; SO Training posted.

September 2021
New Data Standards Training - required for all users; DQ Report Training posted; quarterly reminders for Coordinating Group, Bed & Unit Inventory, and Funding updates.

August 2021
Data Quality Plan begins; Data Quality Report Training and User Meetings; NC ESG request for CAPERS from Annual Grantees; Updated HMIS@NCCEH Operating Policies & Procedures

July 2021
Data Quality Plan feedback; HMIS assessment update summary; DHHS vaccine research

June 2021
Required Housing Move-In Date Training; HMIS offline for restructure script; HMIS assessment updates coming soon

March 2021
Point in Time and Housing Inventory Count Reporting reminders!

February 2021
Staff changes announced; updates to Federal HMIS reporting.

January 2021
SSA Cost of Living Increase reminder, New HMIS guides notice, and review of Federal HMIS reporting Calendar for the next few months.

December 2020
What to do when funding changes reminder, new Veterans Info requirement, and upcoming trainings.
November 2020
Updates about LSA corrections, changes to Dashboard reports, next HMIS User Meeting agendas and dates, and reminders for CRF activites.
October 2020
Updates on new paper assessment forms, new CE data elements, plus general news for HMIS User Meetings, Back@Home trainings, and new staff.
September 2020
Updates to important HMIS Privacy Docs, next HMIS User Meeting, new CE Training announced sent to all.
August 2020
New federal reporting deadlines, Alt ID added to HMIS, September Annual Privacy Training announced!

March 2020
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes updates on COVID-19 Response and PIT/HIC.

February 2020
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes updates to CoC and ESG reports, PIT reminders, Homeless History changes, and more!

November 2019
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes System Performance Measure updates.

October 2019
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes details on FY2020 Data Standards. 

August 2019
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange (via calendar) separately.

March 2019
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes guides for HMIS workflow and electronic ROIs.

February 2019
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes PIT and HIC preparation and other system updates.

November 2018
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes LSA report areas to focus corrections on and tips and HMIS User Meeting dates.

October 2018
Sent to Bos, Durham, and Orange CoCs. Includes ways to prepare for the LSA report and system updates.

September 2018
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes a request for training feedback and how to get new staff on HMIS.

August 2018
Sent to BoS, Durham, and Orange separately. Includes a reminder for EDA and backdate modes and day labor income guidance.

July 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, and Durham separately. Includes reminders for custom reporting requests, NC County of Service data collection, and data entry guidance

May/June 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, Wake, and Durham separately. Includes SPM submission announcement, HMIS updates, and reminders. Additionally, a fond farewell was sent to Wake.

April 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, Wake, and Durham separately. Includes HMIS changes, intro to SPMs, new training dates

March 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, Wake, and Durham separately. Includes steps for PIT/HIC, User Meeting content, and Calendar

February 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, Wake, and Durham separately. Including Reports, Training videos, and Tips for PIT/HIC

January 2018
Sent to BoS, Orange, Wake, and Durham separately. Including Reports and Deadlines for PIT/HIC, NC County of Service data collection and data entry, ESG Resources, and color changes to HMIS Assessments

October 2017
Including NEW Data Standards, AHAR reporting, dashboard report updates for CoC, ESG, SSVF, and PATH projects, and ESG funding AAQ

August 2017
Including new Entry/Exit training dates, Data Center Request forms, HUD update on newborns, and the ROI Audit Report in ART

July 2017
Including the Keep NC Safe tool and a reminder for elderly client VI-SPADTs


Date Sent Breaking News Status (Date)
6/21/24 A020 Data Quality Monitoring Reporting Deadline: June 30th! Deadline(6/30)
2/27/24 Over Due PIT/HIC Report Submissions & A020 Data Quality Report Submission Deadline (3/1)
1/11/24 CoC APR & ESG CAPER Report Update & Shelters Module Update Complete
10/26/23 A020 Data Quality Monitoring Report is Due Monday, October 30th Deadline (10/30)
10/1/23 Important Alert - Fiscal Year 2024 Data Standards Updates are Here Complete
9/29/23 Important Alert - Time to Print New Forms! Complete
9/14/23 Important Alert - System Updates follow-up and links Complete
8/9/23  New HMIS Interface - Live & Practice Site Appearance Update Complete! Complete
2/1/23 BusinessObjects issue resolved and PIT/HIC reports due Complete
10/18/22 End of Year Reporting Deadline and Reminders  Deadline (10/20)
9/27/22 Deadlines and Trainings this week!  
9/22/22 End of Year Reporting Season is Here!  Deadline (10/20)
8/30/22 Annual Privacy and Security Training due by Sept 30th! Deadline (9/30/22)
8/11/22 Farewell ART! Complete
6/2/22 Data Center Hiring Update  
4/25/22 New HMIS Reports Training in May Deadline (5/12/22)
4/25/22 HMIS@NCCEH ZenGuide launch! Complete
1/24/22 HMIS PIT/HIC materials for ES, TH, RRH, PSH projects Deadline (2/4/22)
1/10/22 LMS Annual Required Training Overdue (for incomplete only) Complete
1/3/22 LMS Annual Required Training Reminder (for incomplete only) Deadline (1/7/21)
12/2/21 LMS Annual Required Training Launch Deadline (1/7/21)
11/30/21 ART Planned Downtime 12/3 - 12/5
10/19/21 HMIS Happy Hour Complete
10/7/21 ART down 10.8 - 10.10 Resolved
9/20/21 Victim Service Providers only: Comaprable Databases Complete
7/2/21 Paper and HMIS Assessments updated Complete
6/23/21 Data Quality Plan needs your feedback Deadline (7/7/2021)
6/18/21 Housing Move-In Date training update Complete
06/17/21 Restructure Script is complete Complete
10/19/20 Software upgrade may impact reports/site Complete
9/01/2020 Annual Privacy Training Required Deadline (9/25/2020)
8/26/2020 HMIS will be unavailable Wed 9/2 at 4:30 pm Complete 9/2
3/19/2020 COVID-19 Response in HMIS Complete
3/09/2020 Verify and Save Data button added Complete
2/04/2020 HMIS Software Survey Deadline (2/13/2020)
9/04/2019 NC Natural Disaster updated for Hurricane Dorian Complete
6/20/2019 HMIS@NCCEH Launch Checklist Reminder Deadline (6/27/2019)
6/12/2019 HMIS@NCCEH Launch! Complete
6/10/2019 New Privacy Docs for HMIS@NCCEH Launch Complete
5/10/2019 NC HMIS ServicePoint down Resolved (5/10/2019)
05/06/2019 New Forgot Password Feature Announcement Complete
10/03/2018 MCAH Website down Complete
09/27/2018 ART Reboot Announcement Complete
09/27/2018 Hurricane Florence Data Collection Announcement Ongoing
05/08/2018 Data Center Phones down Resolved
02/16/2018 PIT/HIC 0628 Issue and Deadline Change for BoS, Durham, Orange, and Wake Resolved (3/27/2018)
1/25/2018 CoC-APR Issue & Guidance Pending
11/21/2017 Data Center Phones - down Resolved (11/29/2017)
11/03/2017 HMIS ServicePoint and ART down Resolved (11/06/2017)
10/12/2017 CoC APR and ESG CAPER Report Updates Resolved (10/30/2017)