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Data Center: (919) 410-6997

About Us

Current HMIS Agencies

Interested Agencies

Advisory Board

Comparable Databases




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Who We Are

We support the work of homeless services systems on the ground.

The NCCEH Data Center administers the HMIS for three Continuums of Care (Balance of State, Durham, and Orange) covering 81 counties across the state as the HMIS Lead Agency. We support these communities to collect, manage, and use critical population and service information about homelessness in these communities. Our HMIS uses software called Community Services, created by WellSky.

Are you a CoC interested in joining HMIS@NCCEH? Please reach out to for more information!

NCCEH has been designated as the HMIS Lead Agency by the participating CoCs as documented in each CoC’s Governance Charter. NCCEH is responsible for administering the HMIS on behalf of the CoCs.

Learn about our staff members by visiting our Staff Page.

What We Do


Team of System Administrators acting as your HMIS Lead Agency
Provide all admin functions & liaison with WellSky
Engaged and knowledgeable about your community


Data Analysis working with System Administrators Support federal reports (APRs, CAPERs, LSA, PIT/HIC, etc.)
Meet federal reporting deadlines
Measure performance and data quality
Ensure that agencies and CoC staff understand the numbers for your community


Support community-wide processes such as coordinated assessment/intake
Tailored training to meet your local needs
Strengthen data quality
Support development of CoC policies
Use of data for system design

Our Values


We never take our eye off the ultimate goal to end homelessness and drive towards the 30-day HEARTH goal.


We honor our common humanity and remember that every client has a face and every face has a name.


We understand that data is only as strong as our confidence in it. That’s why we strive for high data quality by analyzing data for accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, and integrity.


We believe that data should play a significant role for change at every level: the CoC, the agency, and the program.


We believe the best problem solving occurs together, with honesty and a commitment to find the right solution.


We understand that is the key to our relationship. Our commitment is to deliver clear, accurate and timely information, including ongoing opportunities for feedback.

Current HMIS Agencies


HMIS Access Forms


If your agency is already HMIS Participating and needs a new HMIS Project built, use this form to let the Data Center know.


If your agency wants to add staff to your HMIS projects, use this form to give us the basic information we need to guide them through training. Agency Administrators and Executive/Program Directors should submit on your agency’s behalf.

*Please make sure to review all of the questions and provide as much information as possible.


If your agency no longer needs a license for a user, please use this form to alert Data Center Staff. Only Agency Administrators and Executive/Program Directors should submit this form.

HMIS Data Collection Forms

Find your project type below. Download and print the entry, interim, and exit assessment forms. A Client Profile Form is available for additional contact information.

Privacy Documents

HMIS Privacy Sign
Agencies should post copies of this sign-in locations where clients can clearly see the sign, especially in spaces where assessments and other data gathering are done. For example, post on the wall at the intake desk. (HMIS Privacy Sign Spanish Translation)

HMIS Release of Information
This document should be used with each client to explain why we gather information and what information may be shared with others. Signed documents should be collected for every adult client at the first in person meeting. If clients have questions or concerns, review the Privacy Options Guide. For remote services, use the Verbal ROI Script and Verbal ROI How To’s. (HMIS Release of Information Spanish Translation)

HMIS Privacy NoticeThis document provides additional detail about a client’s rights regarding data collection and sharing. It should be available upon request.
Agencies can use the Privacy Notice template as provided by NCCEH or customize it to include additional information. To use the template, agencies should fill in the agency name on page one and contact information at the very end. To customize, the agency must follow the Privacy Policy requirements in Section IIIA of the HMIS@NCCEH Operating Policies and Procedures. (HMIS Privacy Notice Spanish Translation)

HMIS Privacy Sample Script
Use this sample script to assist in walking clients through the HMIS Release of Information.

Services Only + Outreach

Street Outreach (SO)
Project Start
Use this form when you enter clients into Street Outreach projects.

Project Interim
Use this form when you collect new information about Street Outreach clients.

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves Street Outreach projects. (Spanish Translation)

Supplemental Form for First Outreach Contact
Use this optional form to minimal information for the first contact with outreach clients.

Supplemental Form for Additional Outreach Contacts
Use this optional form to gather notes during efforts to engage outreach clients. Combine as many as needed to collect key information that changes often for clients.


PATH Street Outreach
Project Start
Use this form to collect intake data for clients in the Street Outreach side of Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Project Interim
Use this form to collect new information for clients in PATH SO projects.

Project Exit
Use this form to collect information when clients leave PATH SO projects.


Supportive Services Only (SSO)
Project Start
Use this form when you enter clients into projects that only provide services, such as emergency assistance, or diversion projects. (Spanish Translation)

Project Interim
Use this form when you collect new information on your clients. (Spanish Translation)

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves your project. (Spanish Translation)


PATH Supportive Services Only
Project Start
Use this form to collect intake data for clients in the Services Only side of Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Project Interim
Use this form to collect new information for clients in PATH SSO projects.

Project Exit
Use this form to collect information when clients leave PATH SSO projects.

Emergency Shelter

Emergency Shelter (ES)
Project Start
This general form should be used by Emergency Shelter Projects for every client. (Spanish Translation)

Project Interim
Use this form when you collect new information about your clients. (Spanish Translation)

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves Emergency Shelter Projects.


Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV)
Project Start
Use this form when your client enters VA funded Emergency Shelter.

Project Interim
Use this form when you collect new information about your clients.

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves VA funded Emergency Shelter.

Transitional Housing

Transitional Housing (TH)
Project Start
Use this general form when your client enters your Transitional Housing project. (Spanish Translation)

Project Interim
Use this project to collect new information about your client. (Spanish Translation)

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves your Transitional Housing project.


Grant Per Diem (GPD)
Project Start
Use this form when your client enters your VA funded GPD Transitional Housing project.

Project Interim
Use this form to collect new information about your client.

Project Exit
Use this form when your client leaves your VA funded GPD project.

Homeless Prevention

Homeless Prevention (HP)
Project Start
Use this general form when you enter a client into a Homeless Prevention program.

Project Interim
Use this form when you gain new information about a client.

Project Exit
Use this form when a client exits a Homeless Prevention.


Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS/HIV (HOPWA)
Project Start
This form should be used for clients entering HOPWA funded Prevention projects like Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utilities Assistance (STRMU).

Project Interim
This form should be to document new information about a client.

Project Exit
This form should be used for clients exiting HOPWA funded projects.


Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF)
Project Start
Use this form when a client enters a VA funded SSVF Homeless Prevention project.

Project Interim
Use this form when you gain new information about your client.

Project Exit
Use this form when a client exits a VA funded Homeless Prevention project.

Rapid Re-Housing

Rapid Re-Housing
Project Start
Use this general form when a client enters a Rapid Re-Housing project. (Spanish Translation)

Project Interim
Use this form when you gain new information about your client. (Spanish Translation)

Project Exit
Use this form when a client exits a Rapid Re-Housing project. (Spanish Translation)

Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF)
Project Start
Use this form when a client enters a VA funded SSVF Rapid Re-Housing project.

Project Interim
Use this form when you gain new information about your client.

Project Exit
Use this form when a client exits a VA funded Rapid Re-Housing project.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent Supportive Housing
Project Start
Use this general form when a client enters a Permanent Supportive Housing project. (Spanish Translation)

Project Interim
Use this form when you gain new information about your client. (Spanish Translation)

Project Exit
Use this form when a client exits a Permanent Supportive Housing project. (Spanish Translation)


Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS/HIV
Project Start
This form should be used for clients entering HOPWA funded PSH projects like Tenant Based Rental Assistance.

Project Interim
This form should be used when you gain new information about a client.

Project Exit
This form should be used for clients exiting HOPWA funded PSH projects.


Project Start
This form should be used for clients entering PSH projects funded by both HUD and the VA called HUD-VASH.

Project Interim
This form should be used when you gain new information about a client.

Project Exit
This form should be used for clients leaving PSH projects funded by both HUD and the VA.

Permanent Housing without Disability Requirements

Other Permanent Housing (OPH)
Project Start
This form should be used for clients entering Permanent Housing projects that do not require a disabling condition for eligibility.

Project Interim
This form should be used when you gain new information about a client.

Project Exit
This form should be used for clients leaving OPH projects.

Interested Agencies

If your agency wants to join HMIS for the Durham, NC Balance of State, or Orange CoCs, please complete this form with basic information. Use this form if your agency is new to HMIS! Want more information about the process to join HMIS? Check out our Guide for New Agencies.

Advisory Board

HMIS@NCCEH is a collaborative partnership between three North Carolina Continuums of Care (CoCs) – City of Durham/Durham County CoC, North Carolina Balance of State CoC, and Chapel Hill/Orange County CoC with the North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness serving as the designated HMIS Lead. The HMIS Advisory Board, with representatives from the three CoCs, HMIS Lead, end-users, and statewide and regional partners, serves as the governing board of HMIS@NCCEH and providers oversight to the regional implementation.

HMIS@NCCEH Advisory Board meetings are public. Please send an email to if you are interested in joining Advisory Board meetings.

Advisory Board Meeting Materials














January 2024
Date: January 29, 2024

Cost-Sharing Proposal FY24-28












January 2023
Date: January 30, 2023



March 2023
Date: March 27, 2023



May 2023
Date: May 22, 2023



July 2023
Date: July 31, 2023



September 2023
Date: September 25, 2023



November 2023
Date: November 27, 2023














Comparable Databases

HMIS Comparable Databases (DV)

The NCCEH Data Center serves as HMIS Lead for NC Balance of State, Durham, and Orange CoCs and therefore provides baseline support to agencies using comparable databases. Below are HUD resources for agencies considering or using an HMIS Comparable Database.

HUD Resources


Victim Service Providers (VSPs) are defined by HUD as a private nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to provide direct services to survivors and victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or human trafficking. VSPs do not participate in HMIS due to a federal VAWA Act prohibition.

Victim Service Provider agencies receiving HUD McKinney-Vento funds (Emergency Solutions Grant or Continuum of Care) funds are responsible for entering, managing, and storing project data in an HMIS comparable database.

Per HUD, “To be truly a comparable database, it must be a relational database that meets all HMIS data standards and the minimum standards of HMIS privacy and security requirements. It also must be able to produce the comma separated values (.csv) files required to submit an Annual Performance Report (APR) and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).”

Below are the current HUD published regulations and guidance for FY2022 (which begins Oct 1, 2021), which can be used to guide the expectations to follow for creating and maintaining an HMIS comparable databases:

Overall Requirements

HMIS Comparable Database Decision Tree – This document reviews the process to be taken to determine if an agency or project is required to use HMIS or an HMIS Comparable Database.

2004 Data and Technical Standards Notice – This guidance sets forth the requirements of HUD for all HMIS enrolled and HMIS comparable agencies as it pertains to privacy and security standards e.g., software security, data security, client privacy and grievance rights.

HUD Data Standards – this guidance sets forth requirements of HUD as it pertains to data collection. It can be used to help users understand the data elements that are required to meet participation and reporting requirements established by HUD

HUD also created a new Interactive HMIS Data Standards Tool website that might be helpful:

HMIS Data Dictionary – this guidance is designed for vendors and agency system administrators to identify the data elements required and understand the function and specific use of each element.

HMIS CSV Export – this guidance details the format and validation requirements for HUD’s most comprehensive standard data export. This tool is directed at vendors.

System Performance Measures – this guidance sets forth requirements for comparable database developers in order to produce key outcome metrics.

Funding Requirements

ESG Program HMIS Manual – this guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving ESG dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.

CoC Program HMIS Manual – this guidance specifically outlines data collection for the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and should be reviewed by any project receiving CoC dollars. It explains what data is to be collected and how it should be collected.

CoC APR and ESG CAPER Programming Specifications – this guidance explains how the federal Annual Performance Report (APR) for CoC funded projects and the federal Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for ESG funded projects, should be programmed to meet HUD’s standards. This tool should be reviewed by agencies, and their vendors.

CE APR Programming Specifications – if your agency is CoC funded for coordinated entry activities, these separate reporting programming specifications are required for Coordinated Entry APRs.

NCCEH Resources


HMIS Comparability Checklist – this brief checklist to support agencies determine if their database meets HUD’s basic standards. While not comprehensive, this checklist is a good start!

HMIS Privacy & Security Training – Contact for access to our Learning Management System. Many of the same principles for agency and user responsibilities apply to VSPs. You can view this training to help ground staff in the technical aspects of privacy.

HMIS Data Collections forms – reference our paper forms to make sure you collect necessary data. You’ll find forms for every project type on our Admin page.

Email our Helpdesk at if your agency has questions. We’ll let you know if we can help!

So how do you know if you have an HMIS Comparable Database?


Can your database produce a CoC-APR or ESG-CAPER that passes a Sage Test? Follow the Test Run steps on page 21 (skip everything before that) to see if your reports are accepted!

Send the Data Center your paper forms. Ask us to check your forms against the Data Standards!

Ask your software vendor. Do they confirm that your software meets the “Overall Requirements” listed above? (They should do the technical work to confirm this!)

Contact the Data Center Helpdesk and we’ll help you find the answers you need!