NC Bos Coc Overview


Regional Map

Continuum Of Care


A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a collaborative effort for planning and funding homeless services. It refers to both HUD’s program and the geographic area it covers, involving service providers, advocates, local government officials, and community members. This Prezi is a great overview of HUD’s CoC program.

For more information on CoCs, please visit the HUD Exchange site.


The NC Balance of State Continuum of Care (NC BoS CoC) was created in 2005 to assist rural communities receive HUD funding. This funding supports homeless populations with permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, supportive services, coordinated entry, and HMIS projects, accessed through an annual application. For more information on the CoC application, please visit our webpage for the current CoC Program application.

The NC BoS CoC is one of twelve CoCs in North Carolina, representing 79 out of 100 counties in the state. To learn more, you can review the NC Balance of State CoC 101 Recording. The call provides an overview of the CoC, its role and function, and the responsibilities of its members.

* Audio recording and PowerPoint presentation from the NC Balance of State CoC 101 conference call.

Regional Committees

Because the NC Balance of State CoC is the largest geographic CoC in North Carolina, representing 79 out of 100 counties, it is organized into Regional Committees that coordinate local work and planning. Each Regional Committee is represented by a Regional Lead, who organizes local meetings and sits on the NC Balance of State CoC Steering Committee. You may view the Regional Committees on this map.

Governance & Participation

Governance Charter

The Governance Charter for the NC Balance of State CoC, initially adopted August 6, 2013 and most recently updated November 7, 2023.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Roles and Responsibilities explains the structure, purpose, and responsibilities of the NC BoS CoC and its committees.

Steering Committee Roster

The Steering Committee Roster holds contact information for Steering Committee Members.

Steering Committee Member Handbook

The Steering Committee Member Handbook gives an overview of CoC governance and requirements, NC BoS CoC structure and priorities, CoC and ESG Program funding, and tracking data.

Steering Committee Member Conflict of Interest Form

Steering Committee members are required to complete and sign a Conflict of Interest Information Form each year with updated information about organizations that they represent as an employee, donor, volunteer, member, board member, trustee, or any other affiliation.

Steering Committee Orientation Webinar

This webinar gives an overview of CoC governance and requirements, NC BoS CoC structure and priorities, CoC and ESG Program funding, and tracking data. Check out the slides and recording.

CoC Policies & Program Standards

Letter Of Consistency/

The NC BoS CoC encourages agencies to seek funding through other sources. Letter requests are approved by the NC Balance of State CoC Steering Committee that meets the first Tuesday of each month. To request a letter of support for your grant please complete this form prior to the last Tuesday of the month for consideration at the next Steering Committee meeting.

Rural CoC Information

Rural CoC Guidebook is the HUD guidebook for rural continuums of care.

Critical Success Factors for Rural CoCs is a brief from the National Alliance to End Homelessness describing 5 key elements of success.

Letter Of Consistency/Support

The NC BoS CoC Racial Equity Subcommittee and the Data Center collaborated to develop the 2023 Racial Equity Analysis with current CoC data using HUD and National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) analysis tools. This analysis represents a starting point for further evaluation of racial disparities and a guide for decision making to bolster equity across the NC BoS CoC homeless response system.