Client Information

Client Consent

HMIS Participating Agencies collect personal information about people they serve in a computer database called the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). The information they collect helps to run programs, improve services, and better understand your needs. What information is collected and how it is used is described in the HMIS@NCCEH Release of Information.

Some of the information collected may be required by organizations that fund the operation of programs. They only collect information that is needed or required. Some of your information may be shared with other organizations to coordinate referrals, housing, or services. Those other organizations also have privacy policies to protect your personal information. You have the right to tell an agency they should not make your information that is entered into the database visible to other agencies in HMIS.

Understanding Your Rights


Protecting your information is important to us. The Privacy Notice outlines how we use and protect your information. Many North Carolina shelters and housing programs use the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) managed by North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness to keep information about the people they help.

Sharing Information


Standard information can be seen by all North Carolina agencies that use HMIS. View a list of agencies who participate in this system (column A).

This information allows us to select the correct record and to better coordinate services for you. All persons using HMIS are trained and certified in privacy.

Everyone who is a licensed user on HMIS can see your name, age/year of birth, veteran status, gender, and the last four digits of your social security number.

If you tell staff you have a privacy concern, you can ask to close this information so that only the agency you worked with can see the information. You may have done this when you signed a Release of Information with an agency.


Some agencies agree to allow other agencies to share additional information beyond the standard information listed above.

Click here to look up the Agency/Organization you are served by. Then view the other local agencies that may see additional information about you in the next column.

The additional information might include:

  • Demographic information (e.g. race, veteran)
  • Income and benefit information
  • Disability information
  • Program enrollment, needs, and services
  • Homeless history
  • Domestic violence status
  • Housing assessment (e.g. Housing Assessment and Referral Tool (HART), Housing Barriers Assessment (HB), or VI-SPDAT)