Feb. 29, 2012
Pitt Co. Project Homeless Connect
Greenville Convention Center
Project Homeless Connect is a one-day, one-stop event to provide a broad range of services to people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
Available services will include:
- Health screenings and care
- Dental screenings and care
- Mental health assistance
- Social benefits assistance
- Housing assistance
- Education resources
- Veterans' services
- Job-readiness resources
- Legal services
- And more
If possible, please bring documentation you may need to receive these services, including ID cards, proof of income, list of medications, etc.
For more information about available transportation, please visit the Pitt County website or call 252-902-3280.
Featured Speakers
Pitt County
Date and Time
Wed, Feb. 29, 2012
9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
(GMT-0500) US/Eastern
Greenville Convention Center