Tuesday, October 25 2016

10 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday, Oct 25, 2016 10 a.m.
NC Balance of …

BoS staff are holding three 1-day planning meetings to assist Regional Committees with the restructuring process. This meeting is for the following Regional Committees:

  • ——Southwest, Madison
  • —Transylvania, Henderson, Rutherford-Polk
  • —Foothills, Burke and Catawba
  • —DISSY
  • —Piedmont

Each combined Regional Committee should have their full transition team attend, including leadership and representatives from all areas (6-8 people per team).

The meeting will cover the following topics:

  • —Regional Committee logistics
  • —Point-In-Time Count
  • —Coordinated Assessment
  • —Combined funding process
  • 100-Day Plan with timeline and benchmarks

The registration fee of $15.00 covers lunch and supplies. If this fee will prevent you from being able to attend, please email bos@ncceh.org.