Thursday, July 30 2015

9:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday, Jul 30, 2015 9:30 a.m.
Multi-day Event
HMIS Event

The first migration training for Balance of State will be held in Raleigh on July 30th and 31stThis first training is for a limited number of Agency Administrators from the Balance of State CoC only.  We understand it is short notice, so if you are available for both days and your provider pages are simple (serve only one county), then you are a good fit for this first session. After registration, NCCEH staff will review your provider pages in HMIS to confirm that you have a simple migration and are appropriate for this session. You should also have completed the key trainings required for Agency Administrators prior to the training date. See Preparation for Migration Training instructions here. 
This session will be limited to only 10 agencies. 
If this training is not for you or space is filled when you try to register, there will be at least five additional trainings scheduled around the state in August and early September (Greenville, Burlington, Kannapolis/Concord area, Asheville/Henderson area, and another in Raleigh). Communication will go out to all Agency Administrators when locations are confirmed and when registration opens for these trainings. 
Registration for the July 30-31 session in Raleigh includes lunch on the first day. Lunch on the second day will be on your own. The training will run from 9:30 to 4:30 on each day.
Once registered, you will receive more information about the specific location prior to the meeting. Computers will be provided.