Thursday, March 27 2014

9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday, Mar 27, 2014 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

The Corporation for Supporitve Housing's Eastern Region Conference, "Charting the Course Ahead for Supportive Housing," will be held March 27-28, 2014, in Philadelphia, PA.

The last year has seen monumental developments for supportive housing that expand access to those with the greatest needs and focus on maximizing public resources. This annual conference is designed to keep stakeholders on the industry’s leading edge, drawing on best practices from across the eastern United States.

For more information, please visit CSH's website.


10 AM - 11 AM
Thursday, Mar 27, 2014 10 a.m.

The North Carolina State Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) office is holding a series of technical assistance calls for ESG grantees. Grantees with questions can join these calls to get answers from the state ESG office staff.

This call will focus on housing stability. Call-in information will be distributed to grantees by the ESG office prior to the call.

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday, Mar 27, 2014 10:30 a.m.
NC Balance of …

The Data Quality Subcommittee is comprised of ESG grantees, CoC grantees, and other interested providers who use HMIS. The subcommittee works with our HMIS Lead Agency (CHIN) to ensure a high level of data quality. The subcommittee reviews agencies' monthly data quality levels and works with agencies to improve.
Instructions on how to join will be sent out to all registrants prior to the call.