Tuesday, December 9 2014

10 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday, Dec 9, 2014 10 a.m.

SOAR Caseworker Meeting
Please join us for our annual in-person meeting of SOAR-trained caseworkers! All SOAR-trained caseworkers who are currently completing SOAR applications in their community are invited. SOAR caseworkers will have a chance to network, share tips, and gather information about the NC SOAR program. At this meeting we will discuss topics that impact SOAR applications in North Carolina, including:
  • 2014 SOAR Outcomes
  • Engaging local SSA offices
  • SOAR and the Appeals Process

Participants will also have a chance to provide feedback on current technical assistance provided by NCCEH and provide ideas for useful tools to support SOAR work done in the community. 

Registration costs will cover lunch and snacks.
Please note any dietary restrictions (vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc.) in the Optional Comments section of the Registration page.