Tuesday, April 30 2013

9:30 AM - 4 PM
Tuesday, Apr 30, 2013 9:30 a.m.
NCCEH Training

This event is for CHIN Advisory Committee members, Ten-Year Plan coordinators, and Continuum of Care leads/coordinators. 
In order to cover the cost of lunch, we are asking everyone to chip in $10.00. If this charge means you will be unable to attend the event, please let Denise know. We want everyone to participate! If you need us to be aware of any dietary restrictions, please note in the comments section of your registration. 

raft Agenda

Time Agenda Item Presenter/Facilitator
9:30 Welcome Andrea Kurtz
Denise Neunaber
9:45 Data Quality Process Daniel Reinholz
10:15 Possible New Tools Sonia Ensenat
10:45 What Data Communities are Looking at and Why Denise Neunaber
12:15 Lunch  
1:00 Setting Priorities for Reports Requests 
  • Discussion of CoC goals for use of HMIS data
  • Overview of what requests CHIN staff have received
  • Set priorities as a group
Laura McDuffee
3:30 Other Issues & Discussion (today's parking lot) All 
4:00 Adjourn