Thursday, September 27 2012

9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday, Sep 27, 2012 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

North Carolina continues to grapple with a persistently high unemployment rate and ongoing budget cuts that have increased demand for affordable housing options while limiting resources. Learn how your business and your clients can thrive despite the economic downturn at the 2012 North Carolina Affordable Housing Conference: Housing Works! Discover how we can educate policymakers, business leaders and the media on the importance of affordable housing for economic and community success.
This year's conference promises to provide experts, education and multiple opportunities for you to exchange ideas and successes with your colleagues from across the state. The annual Housing North Carolina Awards as well as the NCHC’s Volunteer, Professional, and Legislator of the Year Awards will provide a glimpse of the best new affordable housing in the state and inspiration to take your work to the next level.
Special track for housing counselors: Earn CE credits from The Association of Housing Counselors while you get an overview of foreclosure prevention efforts in the state and learn what other housing resources are available to help your clients.
More information is available on the conference website.
9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

Hosted by the Florida Coalition for the Homeless and the Florida Supportive Housing Coalition, this is the only Institute that focuses exclusively on issues covering the Southeastern United States for individuals and families who experience homelessness and lack supportive housing and services. The Institute has attracted hundreds of attendees in various locations and provided opportunities for service providers, public officials, and housing developers from across the southeast to develop collaborations and form cohesive networks to enhance all forms of service delivery.
For more information about the Institute and to register, please visit the Southeast Institute website.
1 PM - 2 PM
Thursday, Sep 27, 2012 1 p.m.

This webinar will highlight the collaboration between the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council through focus groups with HCH administrators & frontline workers.
A key goal of Affordable Care Act is to reduce the number of uninsured through new coverage options for individuals and families. Beginning in 2014, states have the option to expand Medicaid to nearly all individuals with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level ($15,000/year for an individual), which will greatly increase health care access to millions of low-income Americans. Given their high uninsured rate & limited access to care, individuals who are homeless are one group who could significantly benefit from this expansion. The discussion will identify common Medicaid enrollment and access barriers, successful strategies to overcome these barriers, and future considerations for implementing the Medicaid expansion under health reform.
  • Barbara DiPietro, PhD; Policy Director, National Health Care for the Homeless Council; Baltimore
  • Rachel Arguello, MPH; Policy Analyst, Kaiser Commission for Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation; Washington, D.C.
  • Kevin Lindamood, MSW; President & CEO, Health Care for the Homeless, Inc., Baltimore
Please click here to register for the webinar.
3 PM - 4 PM
Thursday, Sep 27, 2012 3 p.m.

A significant subset of Medicaid’s high-need, high-cost beneficiaries experience homelessness and housing instability. For these individuals, homelessness exacerbates their chronic and complex conditions, increases their engagement in high-risk behaviors, and impedes their access to ongoing primary and preventive care, resulting in repeated hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and frequent use of other crisis health services. Research has demonstrated that supportive housing improves health outcomes and management of chronic conditions while reducing hospitalizations, ED visits, and Medicaid costs overall among homeless, high-cost beneficiaries. Many of the services provided in supportive housing are coverable under a variety of Medicaid authorities and are aligned with health reform’s movement toward a more coordinated and person-centered approach to health care delivery.
This webinar will explain how Medicaid departments, housing agencies and other behavioral health and human services agencies can collaborate to provide coordinated health, social services and housing to improve outcomes while lowering costs among the most expensive and high-need clients. Panelists will include the authors of a paper published jointly by CSH and the Center for Health Care Strategies which highlights opportunities for supportive housing and Medicaid partnerships. In addition, participants will hear from the perspectives of Medicaid and managed care.
Please click here to register for the webinar.