Wednesday, September 26 2012

9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

Hosted by the Florida Coalition for the Homeless and the Florida Supportive Housing Coalition, this is the only Institute that focuses exclusively on issues covering the Southeastern United States for individuals and families who experience homelessness and lack supportive housing and services. The Institute has attracted hundreds of attendees in various locations and provided opportunities for service providers, public officials, and housing developers from across the southeast to develop collaborations and form cohesive networks to enhance all forms of service delivery.
For more information about the Institute and to register, please visit the Southeast Institute website.
2 PM - 3 PM
Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 2 p.m.

This webinar will review how integrated cross-systems services can improve outcomes for children and families. The Strengthening At Risk and Homeless Young Mothers and Children Initiative program sites developed important collaborations to provide integrated, interdisciplinary services. Through these partnerships, families received coordinated services that met their complex needs. This session will provide an overview of how systems can work effectively together and provide recommendations for policymakers on how to support this practice.
Please click here to learn more and to register for the webinar.
3 PM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday, Sep 26, 2012 3 p.m.

Homeless outreach has typically focused on engagement and meeting people's immediate and short-term needs: food, clothing and blankets, transportation to shelter, and linkages to services. With the advent of Housing First and rapid rehousing approaches, homeless service agencies are shifting away from the idea of outreach as a mechanism for serving clients on the streets to outreach as a tool for moving clients off the streets directly into housing. This webinar will describe the evolution of outreach over the past three decades, highlight the principles and practices of housing-focused outreach, and provide examples of this approach from around the United States.
Please click here to register for the webinar.  Registration will close at 2:00 p.m. on September 26.