Tuesday, May 1 2012

2 PM - 3 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 2 p.m.
NCCEH Tuesdays at …

The HEARTH Act brings many changes to the Emergency Solutions Grants Program (ESG) and presents shelters with new priorities and program measures, including an emphasis on rapid re-housing and shortened length of stay for shelter clients.  Shelters are finding success in retooling staff through integrating rapid re-housing program design. 
Join NCCEH for a Tuesdays @ Two call with Carson Dean, Executive Director of the Men's Shelter of Charlotte.  Carson will discuss how the shelter has integrated rapid re-housing and diversion efforts into their work and the amzaing, and sometimes surprising, results.  Carson will also answer questions from participants.
Call-in instructions will be emailed to all registrants prior to the call.