Thursday, February 16 2012

10 AM - 11 AM
Thursday, Feb 16, 2012 10 a.m.
NCCEH Dialogue Group

This is a regular meeting of the NCCEH SOAR Caseworkers Dialogue Group.
It is a caseworker roundtable to problem-solve and connect with others around the state who are working on SOAR cases. 
Details on how to call in will be emailed to registered participants by the day of the call.
Dialogue Groups are free for all NCCEH members.  If you are not a member and are interested in joining, you can sign up here.
3 PM - 4:30 PM
Thursday, Feb 16, 2012 3 p.m.
Community Event

Join us for a "Conversation with Members and Colleagues," a free discussion forum just for nonprofit board, staff, and volunteers in your area.  We'll be discussing the changing roles of boards of directors in this economy.
Share your perspective and learn from others regarding an important topic we all face: The changing roles of boards of directors in this economy. Learn from the expertise and experiences of others and share your own. We'll discuss how boards are changing to meet the challenges of fewer staff, shrinking resources, and an increased demand for services. Also, the opportunities that lie ahead and what kind of planning, restructuring and recruiting your board can do now to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever.
To register, please email Dee High ( by Feb. 10. Include your name, title, and organization.