Thursday, November 29 2012

9 AM - 4 PM
Thursday, Nov 29, 2012 9 a.m.

Denise Giles, Executive Director of Cumberland Interfaith Hospitality Network (CIHN), will present this peer-to-peer case management session for staff doing intake, referrals, and/or assessments for individuals/families seeking housing assistance through emergency shelters, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing programs.
Highlights/Objectives of the Training:
1)      Develop working knowledge of the language of case management
2)      Link case management to the needs of the homeless clients
3)      Learn how initial contact and use of intake application through use of background resources can expedite the paperwork process (please bring two copies of the agency’s current intake application)
4)      Learn strategies to develop case plans
If you wish to attend, please RSVP to by November 15, 2012 with the following information: 
Full Name
Telephone #
Email Address