Tuesday, October 23 2012

1 PM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 1 p.m.
Community Event

Supportive Housing Partners, Units of Local Government and Interested Nonprofit Housing and Services Providers:
The NC Housing Finance Agency Supportive Housing Development Program is pleased to announce the availability of funding for its 2013 program year.  
Applicants are invited to attend a free workshop to discuss the application. To register for the free workshop, please click here.
The application will be available for review soon on the Agency website at:  http://www.nchfa.com/Nonprofits/SHDsupportivehousing.aspx. A  Pre-Application Project Description Form must be submitted no later than Friday, January 4, 2013. The deadline for application submission is:  5:00 PM on Friday, March 1, 2013.
3 PM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012 3 p.m.

Too often, misconceptions about employment and disability benefit loss prevent individuals from engaging in work. In the spirit of SOAR as a stepping stone to recovery, individuals who receive SSI/SSDI should be encouraged to seek employment services throughout the application process and after benefits are obtained. Presenters will dispel myths about working while applying for or receiving SSI/SSDI, and will share how SOAR and employment services can work together to support recovery.
This webinar is recommended for SOAR Coordinators, SOAR Trainers, Employment Specialists, and for individuals who would like more information on how working can affect disability benefits.
  • Jen Elder, Senior Project Associate at the SAMHSA SOAR Technical Assistance Center in Delmar, NY, will talk about how SOAR can be an agent of hope for individuals in bringing the message that they can engage in work without losing their disability benefits and health insurance.
  • Greg Makely, Director at NJ WINS, Family Resource Network in Manasquan, NJ, will highlight attributes of the Social Security Administration’s work incentives, including the Ticket to Work program.
  • Jennifer Wilcox, Program Manager at Central City Concern, Employment Access Center in Portland, OR, will dispel myths about working while filing a disability application and the importance of case management support.
  • Christopher Evans, Manager of Pathways to Independence at Columbus House, Inc. in New Haven, CT, will talk about how his organization is becoming an employment network that supports individuals to engage in employment through a holistic, recovery based approach.
  • Bernadette Barbour, Employment Specialist at Columbus House, Inc. in New Haven, CT, will discuss how building relationships with individuals and supporting them through job training helps to keep individuals motivated to pursue and continue employment.
Click here to register for this webinar.