Friday, September 23 2011

10 AM - 12 PM
Friday, Sep 23, 2011 10 a.m.
Community Event

Topics presented will include:
  • Basic Fair Housing Protections
  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Reasonable Modifications
  • Issues Associated with Access and Design
Who Should Attend?
  • People with Disabilities
  • People Living with HIV/AIDS
  • Disability Rights Advocates
  • Providers of Housing and Related Services for People with Disabilities
  • Anyone who Cares about Equal Access to Decent, Affordable Housing
Presenters: Adrienne Allison, Director of Advocacy & Compliance, Disability Rights NC, and Roger Cook, Staff Attorney, Legal Aid of NC, Durham Office
This is a free seminar, but advanced registration is requested.  Please click here to register below or contact John Niffenegger at the NC Housing Coalition.
Presented by: NC Fair Housing Project, Legal Aid of NC, NC Housing Coalition, Disability Rights NC, Durham Human Relations Commission, Neighborhood Improvement Services, City of Durham, Department of Community Development, City of Durham and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

This seminar is funded in part through a grant under the Fair Housing Initiatives Program with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
1 PM - 3 PM
Friday, Sep 23, 2011 1 p.m.
Community Event

Topics presented will include:
  • What Does "Affirmatively Further Fair Housing" Mean?
  • What Must Local Governments Do to Meet their Obligations?
  • What Other Entities Must Meet these Requirements?
  • What are the Consequences of Failing to Meet AFFH Requirements?
  • Who Can I Contact for Help?
Who Should Attend?
  • Government Employees, including Grant Managers, Administrators
  • Community/Economic Development Professionals and Staff
  • Recipients of Federal Funding (CDBG, HOME, NSP, etc.)
  • Affordable Housing Developers
  • Housing Advocates
  • Anyone who Cares about Equal Access to Decent, Affordable Housing
Presenter: Jeffrey Dillman, Project Administrator, North Carolina Fair Housing Project, Legal Aid of North Carolina
This is a free seminar, but advanced registration is requested.  Please click here to register below or contact John Niffenegger at the NC Housing Coalition.
Presented by: NC Fair Housing Project, Legal Aid of NC, NC Housing Coalition, Disability Rights NC, Durham Human Relations Commission, Neighborhood Improvement Services, City of Durham, Department of Community Development, City of Durham and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

This seminar is funded in part through a grant under the Fair Housing Initiatives Program with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.