Monday, August 1 2011

1 PM - 4 PM
Monday, Aug 1, 2011 1 p.m.

There are three important rules for interacting with the media: Prepare, Prepare, Prepare.
In this workshop, you learn how to:
• Develop a media fact file for your organization
• Prepare in advance for an interview: whether they contact you or you contact them
• Be interviewed while remaining confident and credible
• Answer the tough questions
• Be ready for the reporter showing up at your event
• Be ready for a crises situation
• Answer effectively when the surprise phone call comes
• Be professional but still ‘connect’ with viewers on TV and listeners on radio
• Create a media-ready team within your organization
• Conduct briefing sessions with your staff (each one is a "spokesperson" whenever he/she talks formally or informally about your organization)
• Understand ways to develop and use messages that benefit your organization
Presenter: Janet Bauer, an international trainer with more than 20 years experience, has shared her programs with more than 80 organizations. She is the owner of the Bauer Group, and the founder and Program Director for “I’m A Great Child Worldwide.” Her clients include corporations, nonprofit agencies and universities, such as Nissan North America, Edelman Public Relations Worldwide, Duke University, and United Way. She also served as the Corporate Image Manager for Michelin North America.
This workshop is free; however, there is a suggested $10 donation to I'm a Great Child Worldwide.
Click here for more information and to register.