Thursday, June 30 2011

1 PM - 4 PM
Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 1 p.m.

How do you ensure that your vision and mission continue to thrive? How do you maintain your original goals and also provide flexibility for future expansion and changes? Clear evaluation of your organization’s vision, mission and goals, its products and services, customer perceptions and market evaluation help to set a strategic direction and revitalize your organization. In this session, you will learn to use well-developed strategic planning tools to create a framework for your organization that incorporates your original vision, considers future directions, and revitalizes your organization.
Presenter: Naomi Takeuchi is Founder and President of 1000 Cranes Business Consulting, a private consulting firm specializing in merging social impact strategies with business practices. She has assisted organizations through thoughtful business planning, effective communication and organizational development, and as a professional member of the National Speakers Association and the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, she regularly presents to executives, board members, senior staff, and consultants internationally. Whether you are an executive or a staff member with a nonprofit organization looking for techniques to help your clients, Naomi will show you some sustainable strategic planning methodologies you can use to help become more effective to provide social impact.
This workshop is free; however, there is a suggested $10 donation to Leadership NC.  Click here for more information and to register.
3 PM - 4 PM
Thursday, Jun 30, 2011 3 p.m.

Next Thursday, June 30 at 3 p.m. ET, the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) will host a webinar on the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF). The webinar will provide an update on prospects for funding the NHTF and on the development of HUD regulations. The webinar will feature Sheila Crowley, President and CEO of NLIHC, who will also highlight the key steps that advocates can take to advance the effort to fund the NHTF.
This webinar is free, but registration is required.  Please click here to register.