Tuesday, April 5 2011

2 PM - 3 PM
Tuesday, Apr 5, 2011 2 p.m.
NCCEH Tuesdays at …

NCCEH's Tuesdays at 2 are conference calls about vital issues in the field of homelessness - always on Tuesdays at 2:00.  Join us April 5 for a call about Common Ground's 100,000 Homes Campaign (www.100khomes.org).
The Campaign is uniting change agents across the country to find and house 100,000 of the most long-term and vulnerable homeless people by July 2013. Nine months into the campaign, 73 communities have enrolled and collectively have helped over 7,500 people move directly off of the streets into permanent homes. The Campaign draws on a national network of partners in the public, private and non-profit sectors to help communities set ambitious housing placement goals and mobilize the resources needed to achieve them. Along the way, communities are connecting and learning from one another and generating national momentum to end chronic homelessness.
On the call, staff from Common Ground will talk about the campaign and answer questions about how North Carolina communities can become involved.
The conference call number will be emailed to all registrants prior to the call.