Wednesday, April 13 2011

2 PM - 3 PM
Wednesday, Apr 13, 2011 2 p.m.

Homeless populations are much more likely to have complex, co/tri-occurring disorders that include chronic, somatic conditions coupled with mental health and/or substance use disorders. Traditional models of care often separate primary care from behavioral health care, relying on a system of referrals involving multiple providers that can be confusing, especially for a patient group that is less able to navigate a complex system and has competing priorities for daily needs. This webinar will focus on the models of integrated care that three HCH projects have adopted in order to better serve homeless populations.
* Allan Ainsworth, PhD; Executive Director, Fourth Street Clinic, Salt Lake City, UT
* David Buck, MD, MPH; President, Healthcare for the Homeless - Houston, Houston, TX
* Claire Goyer, MEd; Technical Assistance Program Coordinator, National Health Care for the Homeless Council
* Pia Valvassori, PhD, ARNP, Assistant Medical Director, Health Care Center for the Homeless, Orlando, FL
This webinar is free of charge, but space is limited and advance registration is required.  Please click here to register.