Tuesday, September 21 2010

9 AM - 1 PM
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010 9 a.m.
HMIS Event

This training is for new and experienced HMIS users.
This training will be held in Raleigh.
Please register on the CHIN website.
9 AM - 11 AM
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010 9 a.m.
Community Event

Please join us for a presentation and discussion on the economy, the state budget, and how we can and must work together to promote responsible fiscal policy moving forward.
As you all know, the last couple of years have been tough. The recession and the resulting budget cuts have caused very real pain for tens of thousands of people across North Carolina. Unfortunately, we’re not out of the woods yet. In 2011, the state faces yet another deep budget shortfall.
Experts from the NC Budget and Tax Center and the Covenant with NC’s Children will:
·         Provide a forecast for the 2011-13 state budget;
·         Summarize the impacts of previous years’ budget cuts;
·         Discuss the range of solutions for addressing persistent state budget shortfalls.
We’ll conclude the meeting with a discussion of what non-profits and service providers can do to have a positive impact on the state budget.
If you’re interested in attending, please RSVP to info@nccovenant.org or togethernc10@gmail.com.  
There will be two additional meetings in Raleigh and Charlotte.
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday, Sep 21, 2010 3:30 p.m.

If you:
  • Have questions about the new e-snaps Transition Annual Performance Report (TAPR),
  • Are unsure about how to access your TAPR in e-snaps, or
  • Want a demonstration of how to complete several questions,
Then HUD’s new Transition APR training can help you!
The Transition APR Webinar will be a real-time web-based training where trainers will review the Transition APR materials, allowing participants to submit on-line questions throughout the training. Approximate length: 1 hour. Participation in each webinar is limited to 1,000 participants.
The webinars will not be recorded. If you are unable to attend, then please review the e-Learning module for the Transition APR, as it is the same content as the webinar.
Click here to register for the webinar. Upon registration, a link and instructions for attending the webinar will be emailed to you. Please note that the telephone number for these webinars is not a toll free number.