Friday, August 20 2010

10 AM - 12 PM
Friday, Aug 20, 2010 10 a.m.
Community Event

The State of North Carolina Consolidated Plan Partners are conducting the required Analysis
to Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Study. The Consolidated Plan Partner agencies are
Division of Community Assistance, North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, Office of Economic
Opportunity, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA).
During these input sessions, the Con Plan Partners will review the preliminary findings of the Analysis to Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and discuss the impact of these preliminary findings on fair housing. At this roundtable, the partners will be asking for input from homeless providers on these preliminary findings and other local fair housing issues and concerns.
There will be five roundtables across North Carolina:
This roundtable is specifically for homeless providers.  The other roundtables are open to the general public.  Please register by emailing Rebekah King with the event location and any special accomodations you may need.