Thursday, June 3 2010

8:30 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Jun 2, 2010 8:30 a.m.
Multi-day Event

From June 2 to 4, the National AIDS Housing Coalition (NAHC) and the Ontario HIV Treatment Network, in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, will convene the North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research Summit V in Toronto, Ontario.
The Summit will convene researchers, policy experts, consumers, and providers of HIV/AIDS housing from across the continent. The theme of this year's Summit will be "Evidence into Action," focusing on evidence-based policy and practice that target housing as a key social determinant of HIV risk and health outcomes. Attendees will consider evidence-based activism and practice strategies for bringing effective housing interventions to scale, sustaining evidence-based practice and policy, and holding providers, communities, and governments accountable for outcomes.
The official start of the Summit will be preceded by two all-day Learning Institutes on June 2, including "Evidence-Based Best Practices for Housing as HIV Prevention and Care" and "Examining Structural HIV Interventions: Methodological Challenges."
Please visit the Summit website for more information and to register.
9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Jun 2, 2010 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

Register now for the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium "Innovative Approaches: Building on 25 Years of Health Care for the Homeless" which will take place June 3-5, 2010, at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis. In addition, five daylong Pre-Conference Institutes will be held on June 2. This conference is broadly inclusive of homeless health care staff, consumers and board members, government officials, academicians, health professions' students, advocates, and others providing health care and support services to homeless people.  

Conference Highlights

Numerous learning, networking, advocacy and peer support opportunities including:
  • 70 workshops on a wide range of clinical, administrative, collaborative, and policy concerns
  • Welcoming reception
  • Site tours
  • Roundtable discussions
  • Film showings
  • Award presentations
  • Rally for human rights
  • Poster sessions
  • Resource room

Keynote Speakers

  • "Reflections on 25 Years of HCH and our Future Directions," by Jim O'Connell, MD, President, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
  • "The New Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness," by Barbara Poppe, Executive Director, United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

Pre-Conference Institutes

Five Daylong Pre-Conference Institutes on Wednesday, June 2, including:
  • Advanced Clinical Topics in Health Care for the Homeless
  • Medical Respite Care Everywhere: Building our Future
  • Conducting Practice-Based Health Care for the Homeless Research
  • Creating Healthy Organizations  
  • Integrating Consumers into Homeless Services Delivery

Hotel Reservations

The conference will take place at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 55 Fourth Street, San Francisco, California.
  • Rooms are available at the conference rate of $166 per night (single or double occupancy) plus tax; our special rates expire May 10.  Reserve early as rooms are limited!
  • Book reservations by phone at 800/266-9432 and specify that you are attending the Health Care for the Homeless Conference
  • Or book online

Continuing Education Credit

Jointly sponsored by the Vanderbilt School of Medicine and the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, this activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit.

Questions? Contact:

Lily Catalano | Conference Planner
National Health Care for the Homeless Council | 615/226-2292 |
Brenda Proffitt, MHA | Membership & Communications Director
National Health Care for the Homeless Council | 505/872-1151 |