Tuesday, June 29 2010

9 AM - 1 PM
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2010 9 a.m.
Community Event

The North Carolina Department of Correction has made offender transition and reentry a top priority.  The Training Event Forum is designed to provide information and guidance to local workforce development professionals, local correction agencies, community action agencies, faith based and community based service providers, employers and other local partners on the structure of NCDOC and Programs/Services, current NCDOC initiatives related to job training and employment preparation, understanding the employment needs of released offenders, importance of collaboration/partnerships for successful offender reentry and the role of partner agencies in offender workforce development.
Our focus is to provide information, training and education to promote service delivery, collaboration and partnerships that will enhance employment opportunities among ex-offenders.
This event is free, but registration is required.   Please RSVP to Monica Artis no later than June 25, 2010 to secure your seating for this upcoming regional training.
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesday, Jun 29, 2010 11 a.m.

This session is in response to the demand for more in-depth exploration of key issues and hot topics as grantees and subgrantees delve into implementation of HPRP. Topics will include: successful targeting of HPRP resources, effective service design and delivery, and approaches to stabilizing housing.

Please register for the webinar on the HUD HRE website.