Tuesday, May 11 2010

10 AM - 11 AM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 10 a.m.
HMIS Event

CHIN has updated the data entry workflow to accommodate the new Eligibility and Recertification data requirements. Register for the online “Recording HPRP Re-certifications/Workflow Changes” training at www.nchomeless.org.  A power point summarizing the new workflow and recertification changes is on the website as well.
Any training updates or changes will be announced via the CHIN website, as well as other announcements.    
1 PM - 2 PM
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1 p.m.

Join Pathways to Positive Futures for the webinar “Whose life is it? Supporting self-determination & transition of youth with disabilities aging-out of the child welfare system.”

During the presentation, PPF will share research findings on the efficacy of My Life, an intervention designed to enhance the self determination and adult outcomes of young people in foster care and special education. This presentation will also focus on the transition experiences of foster youth with disabilities and review information about current services for supporting their transition, such as Chafee and the Independent Living Program.