Thursday, April 8 2010

7 PM - 9 PM
Thursday, Apr 8, 2010 7 p.m.
Community Event

The City of Greenville's 2010-2011 draft of its Annual Action Plan for its Consolidated Plan is available for public review and written comments.
The Greenville City Council will hold a public hearing for the draft during the April 8th city council meeting at 7:00 pm.  
The draft plan is available for public review and written comments for 30 days beginning March 22 and ending on April 16, 2010.   Copies of the Draft Plan will be available for public review and comment at:
  • the City's website
  • the City of Greenville Community Development Housing Division Office (located at 201 W. 5th Street)
  • Sheppard Library (located on 530 S. Evans St.)