Monday, April 19 2010

1 PM - 2 PM
Monday, Apr 19, 2010 1 p.m.
Community Event

This training will be held online.
Please note, this training does NOT cover HPRP Data Quality Reports.
To register for this training, please email or call 877-703-3176.
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Monday, Apr 19, 2010 6:30 p.m.
Community Event

Sponsored by The Coalition, 40 organizations advocating together to meet the needs of North Carolinians living with the developmental disabilities, the disease of addiction, & mental illness will host a series of town hall meetings on mental health, developmental disability, & substance abuse services across the state. These listening sessions will: 
  • Provide a briefing on the current budget cuts and future budget outlook 
  • Offer an opportunity to share your opinions about MH/DD/SA services and supports in person, in writing, or online 
  • Update you on how to make a difference on these issues
Doors open at 6:00 pm.