Wednesday, November 17 2010

8:30 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 8:30 a.m.
Multi-day Event

The North Carolina Community Development Association has put together a very informative and timely training conference at the Sheraton at Four Seasons - Koury Center in Greensboro, NC. Take a look at the conference agenda posted on the website. We are certain that you will find training sessions that will enhance your knowledge, skills and abilities as a community development practitioner.
Highlights of two of the training sessions being offered are:
  • Implementing Fair Housing - With the passage of recent Fair Housing legislation, communities are facing new challenges in meeting these requirements. This workshop will offer a practitioner's guide to implementing Fair Housing in your community.
  • Foreclosure Prevention - Foreclosures are still a challenge in many communities. This workshop will provide updates on Federal and State efforts and review funding resources that are still available in help you address foreclosures in your community.
Click here to download a registration form.  For full details, please visit the conference webpage.
10 AM - 12 PM
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 10 a.m.
Community Event

GET READY FOR 2011 at a legislative briefing by local legislators and staff from the NC Budget & Tax Center, NC Justice Center and United Way of North Carolina.
They will discuss top issues in state public policy such as:
  • Impacts of current economic conditions on working families
  • The coming state budget shortfall – how deep will it be and how should state leaders repond
  • Updates on key programs that support low-income workers and their families, such as the EITC, child-care subsidies, children's health insurance and foreclosure prevention