Tuesday, November 16 2010

5:30 PM - 7 PM
Tuesday, Nov 16, 2010 5:30 p.m.
Community Event

You are invited to join the Greenville Community Shelter for the 2010 Honor Card Reception.  The reception is free and open to the public.  Special guest, artist William Mangum, will be there to talk about the inspiration for the 2010 Honor Card.
For the past 15 years, Greensboro artist William Mangum has created this special card, The Honor Card, for the holiday season. He makes the cards available to emergency shelters throughout North Carolina at no charge to use to raise operating funds. The Greenville Community Shelter is very pleased that this year, Mr. Mangum will be in Greenville and attend this reception. You can find out more about the Honor Card on Mr. Mangum’s website at www.williammangum.com/the-honor-card.

The Honor Card is a wonderful way to acknowledge individuals at this holiday season and to make a donation to the Shelter in "honor" of that person.

Cards can be purchased at the reception or through the Greenville Community Shelter. Click here to download an order form.