Thursday, October 21 2010

8 AM - 4 PM
Thursday, Oct 21, 2010 8 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Community Event

This conference will be beneficial to psychologists, psychiatrists, LME leadership, social workers, counselors, peer support specialists, educators, nurses, consumers and service providers.
An inspiring, informative event designed to foster the continuing growth of the North Carolina Recovery Movement, to teach participants how to get recovery programming up and running in their own communities, to showcase some of the most progressive recovery practices and to bring the community of providers and individuals in Recovery together as students and partners. This conference is designed to educate and motivate participants to apply principles of Recovery in their personal and professional lives.
For full details and to register, please visit the conference webpage.
3 PM - 4 PM
Thursday, Oct 21, 2010 3 p.m.

On Thursday, October 21st at 3 p.m. ET, the Alliance will host the a webinar about strategies to build community support for and incorporate youth-specific objectives into your Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness.
Speakers from Hennepin County and Minneapolis, MN will discuss how youth providers and advocates collaborated with county and city leaders to outline strategies to end youth homelessness. They will also discuss how they identified and created solutions to system gaps and barriers to solving youth homelessness, as well as how they prepared for implementation of the youth-related Ten Year Plan objectives.
Youth providers, local officials, and organizations or communities looking to build or strengthen their community's approach to ending youth homelessness should all join this webinar.