Wednesday, July 15 2009

2 PM - 4 PM
Wednesday, Jul 15, 2009 2 p.m.

HUD will host a webcast on Wednesday, July 15th, 2:00-4:00 PM (ET) to inform Continuums of Care (CoCs), grantees, project sponsors, HUD staff and other interested stakeholders about the CoC Registration process for 2009 as well as other important information related to 2009 CoC Homeless Assistance Program funding and major changes to the 2009 CoC competition.  The link to the webcast will not be available until July 15th.  To view the webcast on July 15th, please visit  The webcast will be archived on HUD's website within 10 days of broadcast.  
NOTE:  The CoC Registration process is not yet available in e-snaps. HUD customers will be notified via the Homeless listserv when the 2009 CoC Registration process is live in e-snaps.  
The Notice of Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 Opportunity to Register and Other Important Information for Electronic Application Submission for Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program is now posted on HUD’s Homelessness Resource Exchange (HRE) and HUD's website (  The Notice has three sections:  Important Information, CoC Registration process, and major changes to the CoC competition for 2009. To view or download the CoC Registration Notice, please visit and click on the first link (CoC Registration Notice) in "What's New."