Tuesday, July 21 2009

12 PM - 1 PM
Tuesday, Jul 21, 2009 noon

The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty is offering a free webinar training to help homeless and domestic violence shelters and food providers in Michigan learn about the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) federal funding opportunity. 
CACFP is a federal nutrition entitlement program that provides subsidies for meals served to low-income children at certain types of facilities. Under the program, facilities, such as homeless and domestic violence shelters that provide congregate meals, may receive reimbursement for up to three meals per child served each day. In addition to reimbursements, participation in CACFP qualifies shelters to receive donated agricultural commodities from the U.S. Department of Agriculture or cash-in-lieu of commodities for each lunch or supper provided.
This training will feature:
  • Pamela Kies-Lowe, Homeless Education Consultant, Michigan Department of Education
  • Patricia Van Wert, Sanctuary Coordinator, Lutheran Settlement House/James Adams Place
  • Sandra Garcia, Shelter Director, Center Against Family Violence
  • USDA representative 
Presenters will provide an overview of CACFP for homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters, including the benefits of participation, how to apply, and requirements for participation in CACFP.
The training will be held on July 21, 2009 from 12-1 p.m. EDT and is open to all. To register for the call, follow this link: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/191368035
For more information, please contact Raquel Oriol at roriol@nlchp.org.
The webinar is free, but we welcome donations to help defray the costs of the webinar service. Please click here to donate! Suggested donation is $10.