Monday, June 29 2009

10 AM - 3 PM
Monday, Jun 29, 2009 10 a.m.
NCCEH Training

  Increasing Successful Outcomes While Decreasing Costs:
Hospital Partnerships to End Homelessness  
Attendees: This event is geared toward hospital system leadership. CEOs, CFOs, COOs and other Executive level employees are encouraged to attend.   
Featured Speakers and Topics:
· Richard Cho, Corporation for Supportive Housing, Frequent Users of Health Services Initiative Mr. Cho will present current data about the costs and care associated with this population of frequent healthcare users. What is it costing us to maintain the status quo, and how could we reduce these costs and end the cycle of frequent hospital use? 
 · Lori Pacura, Vice President, Patient Care Services, Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center
Ms. Pacura will present a model of hospital partnership success: The Housing for Health Partnership. This Partnership has increased access to care while reducing hospital costs, and is featured in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.  
· Brooks Ann McKinney, Community Medical Respite Center Director, Raleigh Rescue Mission
Ms. McKinney will present information on the Respite Center that has been developed in Wake County. This discharge protocol and respite care program has increased communication and collaboration between hospitals and area homeless shelters, and is a first step toward increasing continuity of care and decreasing Emergency Department visits.
· Denise Neunaber, Executive Director, North Carolina Coalition to End Homelessness
Ms. Neunaber will present information about NC SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery), a program designed to access disability benefits for homeless individuals. Hospital systems can play a role in their community SOAR initiative and begin to bill Medicaid/Medicare for currently uninsured and frequent hospital users.