Tuesday, May 19 2009

8:30 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:30 a.m.
Multi-day Event
Community Event

2008 Annual Conference: "Change: New Leadership, New Opportunities"

Change in inevitable as witness in our recent presidential and gubernatorial elections.  With change in leadership comes new attitudes, ideas, solutions and opportunities for addressing societal ills associated with poverty - high unemployment, foreclosure, school drop-out rates, recidivism, unaffordable housing and health care, lack of good quality child care - and the list goes on.

As community leaders and partners we must grab hold of this new leadership to create opportunities that will improve our communities and empower our families, children and the elderly.

This conference, "Change: New Leadership, New Opportunities", is designed to build your capacity through the sharing of best practices, trends, and workshops presented by professional practitioners on a variety of issues and subjects that impact positive change in low-income communities.

Join colleagues and other professionals in the field from across the state for the latest information available at the new and upscale Marriott Raleigh City Center.

As nonprofit and community-based leaders we must rise to the occasion and produce the positive outcomes that the families, children, and elderly we serve deserve!

Who Should Attend?
  • Executive Directors/CEOs and founder
  • Nonprofit staff, board members, community volunteers
  • New and veteran board members, officers and committee chairs
  • Community leaders, consultants, contractors, elected officials and civil servants
To register, please call 919-833-1120 or 1-800-228-9290.  For more information, visit www.nccaa.net.