Wednesday, April 8 2009

12 AM - 12 PM
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2009 midnight

HUD Webcast 
 On April 8, HUD will host its official webcast dedicated to details of HPRP. The webcast is designed to provide information about the details of the program.
The time of this webcast is TBA.  Please visit the NAEH website for updates. 
11 AM - 2 PM
Wednesday, Apr 8, 2009 11 a.m.
Community Event

On Wednesday, April 8th, from 11AM to 2PM, the NC Housing Coalition will host an NC Housing Policy Summit at Marbles Children’s Museum in Raleigh. 
This one day event is designed to bring developers, researchers, advocates, local government officials, lenders, and policymakers together to learn more about the current housing crisis and the resources that are available to respond to this crisis. 
The goal of the Summit is to:
  • Provide an update on the current economic and affordable housing crisis
  • Learn about the resources available in NC from the Federal Economic Recovery Act and how to access them
  • Learn about other important housing resources and issues in NC
  • Present specific proposals on how to improve housing outcomes in NC going forward
The event is free to the public and will include lunch at no charge to everyone. Registration is required to ensure we stay within the space requirements of the meeting room.
To register, please visit the NC Housing Coalition's website.