Thursday, November 5 2009

9 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday, Nov 3, 2009 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event

The Department of Veterans Affairs will be holding its Homeless Veterans Summit, entitled "Ending Homelessness Among Veterans in Five Years," on November 3-5 at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC.
This summit will bring together specialists in homeless prevention and intervention services from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); other federal departments and agencies; tribal, state and local governments; community organizations; and other stakeholders.  The summit gives participants a chance to share information, innovative ideas, and best practices with colleagues from across the country while creating partnerships that will help the VA achieve President Obama and Secretary Shinseki's goal to end homelessness among veterans.
The VA encourages homeless service providers to attend and present at the conference.
Persons interested in attending must submit a registration form by the October 16th deadline. 
Persons interested in presenting at the conference should review the invitation for presentations and must submit an proposal by September 11.
9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday, Nov 5, 2009 9 a.m.
NCCEH Training

This training is for grantees of the Entitlement Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Programs (HPRP).  The training will cover program requirements including participant eligibilty, case management, financial assistance, and HMIS compliance and instruction.
This program training will run from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on the first day.  Registration will begin at 8:45 am on the 5th. Lunch and snacks will be provided.. Your registration fee covers meals and the cost of materials. 
CHIN training will be available on November 6th. You must register separately for CHIN training here

Payment must be received by the day of the training.  You may bring a check to the training or pay online when you register. 
Checks should be made payable to NCCEH.