Wednesday, February 4 2009

12 PM - 1 PM
Wednesday, Feb 4, 2009 noon
Community Event

For most of us, work is an important activity. It is also a pathway out of homelessness for many people, as Continuums of Care agencies, career centers, and others are beginning to recognize. Not only does work provide income, it offers a regular structured activity that brings with it a sense of accomplishment, personal rewards, and membership in the community. Despite the economic downturn, increasing unemployment, and the limited assistance available to help people who are homeless get and keep a job, case managers and employment specialists need to help clients pursue employment. 

This free webcast is for direct service staff working in PATH programs, supportive housing programs, One-Stop Career Centers, Health Care for the Homeless projects, shelters, and day centers with job seekers who are homeless.   The webcast will focus on vocational interventions including setting and supporting vocational goals, determining the strengths and weaknesses of job seekers and identifying the resources they need to be successful.  Strategies for developing occupational skills and job opportunities and matching them with job seeker preferences will be presented. Approaches to support job retention will also be discussed.  

To read more, visit the Homelessness Resource Center's website.

To register, click here.