Thursday, June 26 2008

9 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday, Jun 25, 2008 9 a.m.
Multi-day Event
SOAR Training

SOAR’s Stepping Stones to Recovery Training

A Case Manager’s Training Curriculum for Assisting Adults Who Are Homeless with Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Applications 

Sponsored by: 
The NC Interagency Council on Coordinating Homeless Programs
and The United Way of Forsyth

In order to transition a person out of homelessness, we know that one will need affordable housing, access to appropriate   services and an adequate income.  For many North Carolinians who are homeless, working a full-time job is not an option because of some type of disability. Obtaining disability benefits for these individuals means a way out of homelessness.

National rates of approval for disability (SSI/SSDI) applications are approximately 35% for first time applicants. Among the homeless population, however, the approval rates are significantly less – closer to 15%, despite the high percentage of    homeless persons who are prominently disabled.

Over the past 3 years SAMHSA, through a training called SOAR – SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery, has changed these odds. Communities that have participated in the training and implemented the SOAR technology fully have had similar results, documenting up to 93% approval rates within 3 months, for homeless persons generally considered to be eligible, and 65% approval rates within 3 months, for homeless persons who were thought by caseworkers to be on the cusp of meeting eligibility standards.

Be a part of this change. Attend this SOAR training to learn how you can help end homelessness. 

Workshop Highlights:

  •  An in-depth, step-by-step explanation of the SSI/SSDI application and disability determination process ·
  • Strategies for working with homeless persons with serious mental illness and co-occurring disorders – only a fraction of this population receives the benefits to which they are entitled ·
  • Exercises and worksheets provide practical application tools ·
  • Samples and explanations of SSA and DDS paperwork and necessary reports