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July 22, 2020


The Emergency Solution Grant CARES Act funding RFA has been released by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.  See the RFA and application materials at this link:  The final applications are due to DHHS on Monday, July 13th at 5 PM. 
Because of the quick turnaround for applications, the CoC cannot run its normal funding process and will require significant changes to ensure that agencies can complete applications and decisions can be made quickly.  The CoC needs the Steering Committee to make decisions on the NC BoS CoC process this week.  We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday, June 24th at 12 PM to discuss the process, make decisions, and set timelines.  We need as many Steering Committee members as possible to attend.  In order to vote, we will need quorum which is 51% of our membership.  For Regional Leads, if you are unable to attend, please contact your Regional Alternate to attend in your place. 

Date and Time

Wed, July 22, 2020

noon - 1 p.m.
(GMT-0400) US/Eastern


Description:Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3112Access Code: Access Code: 791-696-621