NC Balance of State CoC Application Information: 2023
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) releases the Continuum of Care (CoC) Program application on an annual basis.
The FY2023 CoC Program Competition has ended. Instructions for the FY2023 CoC Program Application are listed here. The CoC's final submission to HUD can be found under the FY2023 CoC Program Application heading. FY2024 CoC Program Competition information will be posted here starting Spring 2024.
In 2023, the NC Balance of State Continuum of Care (NC BoS CoC) has separate instructions for new and renewal project applicants. Applicants should thoroughly read the relevant instructions for new and renewal projects below to understand what materials should be submitted and when.
The NC BoS CoC has multiple submission dates for materials. The CoC will use the timely submission of materials as a major factor in whether your application will be considered for submission in the final CoC Consolidated Application.
If you have questions, please ask them early in the process and do not wait until close to the submission deadlines. All questions should be directed to The CoC does not intend to grant any extensions during this process.
HUD released the FY2023 CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on July 5, 2023. All instructions and materials for this year’s competition are posted below.
The NOFO provides information about this year's competition, detailing CoC and Project Applicant responsibilities, eligibility requirements and the types of programs elibigle for funding. All renewal and new CoC Program Project Applicants should thoroughly read the NOFO prior to beginning any applications in e-snaps, the electronic CoC Program Application and Grants Management System.
Each year, the Funding and Performance Subcommittee recommends CoC Program Funding Priorities to be approved by the NC BoS CoC Steering Committee. The FY2023 CoC Program Funding Priorities (see link below) were approved on April 4, 2023.
New CoC Program Project Application Webinar
CoC staff hosted a webinar for agencies interested in applying for New CoC Program projects. This webinar explains the CoC Program application process and eligibility requirements. Any agency interested in learning more about CoC Program funding, including agencies new to the CoC Program Application process and those who currently have CoC Program Projects and are thinking about applying for new projects in the FY2023 competition, should review the webinar. The CoC prioritizes new CoC Program Projects for Rapid Rehousing and Permanent Supportive Housing.
New CoC Program Project Applicant Webinar |
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 10 A.M. - 12 P.M. |
Intent to Apply Form
To apply for a new project in the FY2023 CoC Program competition, agencies must submit an Intent to Apply form (see the link below for submission). Intent to Apply forms must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 19th. No new project applications will be accepted from agencies without an Intent to Apply form submission.
CoC staff will follow up with agencies submitting a FY2023 Intent to Apply Form.
New Project Application Instructions and Checklist
Provides detailed instructions and a checklist for all materials that must be submitted for new projects.
Due July 25th, 2023 by 6PM:
- New Projects Thresholds and Standards Form
- Grantee Certification
- Organizational Chart
- APR (Agencies with existing PSH or RRH programs only)
- Previous Project Spending Rates (Agencies with existing CoC program grants only)
- Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheet (Non-profit applicants only)
- Board of Directors List and Minutes (Non-profit applicants only)
Due August 4th, 2023 by 6PM:
- Project Application
- Program Policies and Procedures
- New Applicant Policies and Procedures Reference Form
- Sample Lease
- Applicant Profile from e-snaps
- Renewal Applicant Form with Attachments
- Documentation of Match
- Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
- Local Consolidated Plan Certification (if applicable)
Provides a step-by-step guide to completing the project application in e-snaps (HUD's online application system). If your agency does not already have an e-snaps account, follow the instructions to create your Agency Profile and user account. This should be done prior to the competition.
HUD's New Project Application Detailed Instructions
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted in the final application to HUD via e-snaps for new projects.
New Project Applicants must complete and submit this form certifying that they will meet NC Balance of State CoC expectations for grant reporting, performance, and community engagement.
Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
Applicants must complete this form. It is submitted to the State by CoC staff to determine whether projects are consistent with the goals of the State Consolidated Plan. Do not mail these forms to the address at the bottom of the form. All forms will be mailed to the NCCEH office in Raleigh and then submitted together as one packet by CoC staff. Applicants must mail the hard copy of the form to the address below by August 15, 2023:
NCCEH, PO Box 27692, Raleigh, NC 27611
Determination of Certification for non-PHA
Determination of Certification for PHA
ONLY Applicants from communities with a Local Consolidated Plan
- Any applicant whose agency is located in a jurisdiction that has a local Consolidated Plan must submit a Consolidated Plan Certification (HUD-2991) signed by a representative of the local plan. This certification states that the project's goals and activities are consistent with the goals of the local Consolidated Plan.
- HUD’s listing of local Consolidated Plans in North Carolina can be viewed on their website.
- Applicants who are not located in an area with a local Consolidated Plan do not need to submit this form.
New Project Thresholds and Standards Form
New Project Applicants requesting new projects must complete and submit this form regarding thresholds and standards requirements on the FY2023 New Project scorecard.
New PSH Applicant Policies and Procedures Page Reference Form
ONLY New Permanent Supportive Housing Project Applicants with no FY2023 PSH Renewal must complete this form and submit it with their application.
New RRH Applicant Policies and Procedures Page Reference Form
ONLY New Rapid Rehousing Project Applicants with no FY2023 RRH Renewal must complete this form and submit it with their application.
Applicants must provide a letter or MOU documenting match for at least 25% of the applied-for amount. We encourage applicants to use the template linked below to ensure that all information required by HUD has been provided.
Renewal CoC Program Project Applicant Webinar
CoC staff hosted a webinar for agencies interested in renewing their current CoC Program projects. This webinar provides new information on a revised process and timeline for renewal project applications.
Renewal CoC Program Project Applicant Webinar |
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 10 A.M. - 12 P.M. |
Renewal Application Process and Timeline
The Intent to Renew form is mandatory for all agencies with FY2022 HUD CoC-funded projects. Agencies must submit on Intent to Renew Form per Renewal Project.
Due Date: April 25, 2023, by 6 PM
Pre-Competition Scoring and Standards Review
The NC BoS CoC has designed a Pre-Competition Scoring and Standards Review for Renewal Projects
- To make the CoC Program competition less hectic for renewal project agencies, the Project Review Committee, and the CoC.
- To decrease the amount of information the Project Review Committee members must review within the time-restricted competition, and
- To assist agencies to enhance their program’s performance standards outside of the time-restricted competition.
Renewal Projects will submit their Policies and Procedures, Sample Lease, CY2022 Annual Performance Report, and a Pre-Competition Renewal Applicant PSH or RRH Form by April 27, 2023, at 6 P.M. for CoC Staff to review.
Pre-Competition Scoring and Standards Review Checklist and Introductions
Pre-Competition Renewal Applicant PSH Form
Pre-Competition Renewal Applicant RRH Form
Smartsheet Link to Submit Pre-Competition Scoring and Standards Review Information and Documentation:
Renewal Projects meeting all Housing First and programmatic design standards will receive a 3-Year Certification and will not need to submit documents again for review until the FY2026 competition, unless they make changes in their project’s Policies & Procedures.
Renewal Projects not meeting at least one Standard will have the opportunity to receive technical assistance from CoC staff, revise, and resubmit their Policies and Procedures for review. CoC staff will meet with these agencies between May 25, 2023, and June 2, 2023. Agencies have the opportunity to re-submit documentation for review by June 8, 2023, by 6 PM.
If Standards are achieved upon resubmission, agencies will receive Certification approval for the FY2024 competition and will not have to submit documents again for review until the FY2027 competition, unless they make changes in their Policies & Procedures.
The selection of items to be scored by CoC staff in this Pre-Competition Scoring and Standards Review will be recommended by the Scorecard Committee to the Steering Committee for approval in April 2023.
CoC Program Competition Application Materials
Renewal Project Application Instructions and Checklist
Provides detailed instructions and a checklist for all materials that must be submitted for renewal projects.
Due July 25th, 2023 by 6PM:
- Spending Rate
- Grantee Certification
Due August 4th, 2023 by 6PM:
- Project Application
- Applicant Profile from e-snaps
- Renewal Applicant Form with Attachments
- Documentation of Match
- Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
- Local Consolidated Plan Certification (if applicable)
This is a step-by-step guide to completing the project application in e-snaps (HUD's online application system).
HUD's Renewal Project Application Detailed Instructions
Provides detailed instructions for all materials that must be submitted in the final application to HUD via e-snaps for renewal projects.
Renewal Project Applicants must complete this form certifying that they will meet NC Balance of State CoC expectations for grant reporting, performance, and community engagement.
Determination of Certification with State Consolidated Plan
Applicants must complete this form. It is submitted to the State by CoC staff to determine whether projects are consistent with the goals of the State Consolidated Plan. Do not mail these forms to the address at the bottom of the form. All forms will be mailed to the NCCEH office in Raleigh and then submitted together as one packet by CoC staff. Applicants must mail the hard copy of the form to the address below by August 15, 2023:
NCCEH, PO Box 27692, Raleigh, NC 27611
Determination of Certification for non-PHA
Determination of Certification for PHA
ONLY Applicants from communities with a Local Consolidated Plan
- Any applicant whose agency is located in a jurisdiction that has a local Consolidated Plan must submit a Consolidated Plan Certification (HUD-2991) signed by a representative of the local plan. This certification states that the project’s goals and activities are consistent with the goals of the local Consolidated Plan.
- HUD’s listing of local Consolidated Plans in North Carolina can be viewed on their website.
- Applicants who are not located in an area with a local Consolidated Plan do not need to submit this form.
Applicants requesting renewal PSH and RRH projects must complete and submit this form with their application.
Applicants must provide a letter or MOU documenting match for at least 25% of the applied-for amount. We encourage applicants to use the template linked below to ensure that all information required by HUD has been provided.
The NC Balance of State CoC is required by HUD to post the full CoC application and Project Priority Listing prior to submission in e-snaps. FY2023 materials will be posted here.
Approved FY2023 CoC Consolidated Application
The FY2023 CoC Program New Project and Renewal Project Scorecards were approved by the NC BoS CoC Steering Committee on April 4, 2023.
The Scorecard Committee, composed of representatives from Regional Committees and staffed by NCCEH, meets each year to create the scorecards used for scoring new and renewal CoC Program project applications. Minutes from the Scorecard Committee meetings are posted below.
Scorecard Committee Meeting #1 Minutes
The GIW lists all projects eligible for renewal. Agencies may only renew for the budget amounts and unit configurations listed in the GIW.
Landlord Engagement Webinar
Lead Safe Housing Rule Training for Housing Providers: