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Back@Home CV Trainings

Back@Home RRH and Targeted Homeless Prevention Onboarding Training

This Training reviews the fundamentals of providing Rapid Re-Housing and targeted Homeless Prevention services to clients. This introduces the vision of Back@Home as a dynamic program to serve folks currently experiencing homelessness or imminently at-risk.

Requisitions with the ESG Office and NCHFA

This Training walks through requesting reimbursements from the ESG Office through the NC Housing Finance Agency's (NCHFA) Portal. This is how you get paid!

Back@Home Unit Support Process

This training walks you through the process for acquiring unit documentation.  This includes how to request a debarment check, rent reasonableness check, and HQS inspection.  

Back@Home HMIS Workflow:

This training reviews how to enter data into HMIS projects, the meaning and use of different data elements, and where to find support for data entry.

Rehousing Agency Smartsheet Referrals

Initial Contact and Enrollment Training

This Training demonstrates the smartsheet workflow for receiving new referrals, reaching out to them for initial contact, and enrolling them (or not). These steps are key to show who is currently being served by Back@Home.

Housing Stabilization Training
This Training demonstrates the ways to update Rehousing Agency Client Lists in smartsheet to record progress towards housing stabilization. This is how you get counted for success!

Revised Prioritization System Training

This training introduces the new version of Prioritization for Back@Home clients moving forward. The changes outlined couldn't have happened without the constructive feedback of grantees - thanks!

CoC CE Smartsheet Referrals

CE Smartsheet Referral/Intake Training
CE Representatives identified by each CoC or BoS Region are given access to refer clients to Back@Home. This training demonstrates how CE Reps can refer clients to Back@Home Rehousing Agencies (on an ongoing basis and the initial surge).


Rehousing Agency System and Logistics Calls

These monthly calls allow Rehousing Agency staff, NCCEH Field Support, and NC ESG Office staff to give updates, identify problems, and troubleshoot solutions! System and Logistics calls moved to every other week on Thursdays for all Rehousing Agencies in April 2021.

February 10, 2022 System and Logistics Call

January 13, 2022 System and Logistics Call

November 18, 2021 System and Logistics Call

October 14, 2021 System and Logistics Call

September 9, 2021 System and Logistics Call
 July 1, 2021 System and Logistics Call
June 17, 2021 System and Logistics Call
June 3, 2021 System and Logistics Call
May 6, 2021 System and Logistics Call
April 22, 2021 System and Logistics Call
April 8, 2021 System and Logistics Call
March 25, 2021 System and Logistics Call
Topics: Prioritization
March 18, 2021 System and Logistics Call
Topics: Prioritization

March 11, 2021 System and Logistics Call
Topics: Housing Stabilization progress, Smartsheet tips

March 4, 2021 System and Logistics Call
Topics: How to record Housing Stabilization for Back@Home
February 25, 2021 System and Logistics Call
Topics: How to receive and respond to referrals for Back@Home

Deep Dive Training

Engaging Landlords and Recruiting Units

This training examines how the current environment has shifted landlord practices and preferences.  It also discusses proven methods that support an effective, coordinated landlord outreach and engagement strategy on behalf of systems.

Housing Focused Case Management

This training provides an in-depth review of housing-focused case management and related progressive assistance practices, including approaches and considerations related to housing barrier assessments, creating Housing Stability Plans with participants, routinely reviewing and adjusting assistance in a progressive manner, providing home-based and remote case management and tenancy supports, and determining when housing stability is achieved and case closure should occur.

Fair Housing and Landlord/Tenant Law

This training provides rehousing agencies with a better sense of the rights and responsibilities of the individuals we are housing.  Participants gain the ability to identify what constitutes discrimination in housing and what recourse is available to clients who experience it.  Agencies also gain a better understanding of tenant law, what is in a lease, and what the obligations of landlord and tenant are.

SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery)

This training provides a brief introduction to the SOAR model for assisting clients to apply for Social Security disability benefits.  This is particularly useful for housing case managers as disability benefits act as a source of stable income for clients awarded.  Participants gain an understanding of the core components of the SOAR model, client eligibility for disability, and how case managers can become fully trained.