2019 ESG Application
The 2019 ESG application has closed. The ESG application cycle occurs on an annual basis. The application is administered by the State and is overseen by by ESG staff in the DHHS Division of Aging and Adult Services.
The ESG application includes two parts: a community application completed by the Regional Committee and a project application completed by each agency that is seeking funding.
This page is for the Balance of State-specific information. General information about the ESG application can be found here.
The 2019 ESG RFA released is expected mid-July. The application forms and instructions will be posted on our main ESG webpage.
Resources for Completing the FY19 Regional Application
Coordinated Assessment Written Standards
Emergency Shelter Written Standards
Rapid Re-Housing and Prevention Written Standards
Permanent supportive Housing Written Standards
Street Outreach Written Standards
VAWA Emergency Transfer Policy
2019 HDX CoC Competition Report
CoC-Wide Regional Application answers
In order to assist Regional Committees as they design and implement a local funding process, BoS staff have assembled some general resources about designing effective competitions. While these resources are written for foundations to use, many of the same strategies may be employed by communities to help create a local ESG funding competition.
Submit your ESG Worksheet and Scorecard here
2019 LPA Fair Share document with pro-rata amount assigned as the maximum amount for which LPAs can apply
How to design and implement grant competitions to further program goals
Questons to ask when researching a nonprofit's organization and operations
Sample tool to use to assist in researching nonprofit capacity
How to create and communicate grant guidelines for funding competitions
Explanation of why grant guidelines are helpful in a funding competition
Overview of grant-making basics
Balance of State materials from previous ESG applications have been archived for reference.