BoS Regional Committee 1-Day Planning Meeting
BoS staff are holding three 1-day planning meetings to assist Regional Committees with the restructuring process. This meeting is for the following Regional Committees:
- Alamance, Person, Chatham, Caswell, Rockingham
- Randolph, AHRMM, Lee-Harnett, Johnston
- Kerr-Tarr, Twin County, Northampton
- Southeast
Each combined Regional Committee should have their full transition team attend, including leadership and representatives from all areas (6-8 people per team).
The meeting will cover the following topics:
- Regional Committee logistics
- Point-In-Time Count
- Coordinated Assessment
- Combined funding process
- 100-Day Plan with timeline and benchmarks
The registration fee of $15.00 covers lunch and supplies. If this fee will prevent you from being able to attend, please email
Burlington Housing Authority's Crump Village Education and Resource Center
1211 Chandler Court
NC 27215